VapeSling® SlingGuide
Mod/Vape Holders | Vape Security
Guide provided to assist in Shopping for your Standard or Customized VapeSling®
A brief more Visual Guide—> “How to Choose your VapeSling”
Demo video at this link: Proper VapeSling Install
This guide is link driven to further assist. Click on any link text or where you see to click here—->.
A brief more Visual Guide available—> “How to Choose your VapeSling”
Note: New tabs may open on your browser for some links. Website navigation can also be done using the drop down menus under SHOP
VapeSling® – SlingGuide Quick Start:
To shop a Standard Sling, follow Step 1 and Checkout (step 4)
To shop a Custom (color) Sling, follow Steps 1 & 2 then Checkout (step 4)
VapeSling® – SlingGuide
Step 1-Required Step:
Choose your VapeSling® Version and Type
- A. Version describes the construction of your Sling.
3 Versions —->



- B. TYPE: Type describes the function of your Sling (neck, hand or body)
V3 Fabric Slings: has 4 Types:
(Body) MODster—->MODster XXL, —->(Neck Sling) Average Joe —>(hand sling) RingSling, and HandCheck —> (hand sling)
V2.1 (HP): has 8 Types:
Hand Slings:—-> HandCheck ™ or —-> Ring Sling ™
Clip:—->HIPster HP ™
Neck Slings/Lanyards:—->Average Joe HP ™ or —-> BlingSling™
Body Slings:—->MODster HP ™ or—-> ZIPster HP ™ or —->ZIPster XXL HP ™
V2.1 Original is only Body/Shoulder type
(Body only) —->MODster—->MODster X, and —->MODster XL
- C. ADD TO CART: Before continuing to Step 2, select the fabric/cord color at the top section of the product, and click “Add to Cart”. V3 requires a size for neck and body slings.
Optional Step 2:
Customize Color: Skip to step 3 if you want a Standard Cradle (Light Silver) on your Slings.
Note: Custom cradle options are not available for the V2.1 Original . Please skip to step 4 if choosing a V2.1 Original
Customize your V2.1 or V3 Cradle with Color.
To add color to your Sling Cradle START with your —–>Boundary stitching
Single Color: Once you add theBoundary stitching option to your cart, you may skip to step 3 if only choosing one color for all (VS and outer lines same color) cradle stitching. Add to Cart after choosing stitch color.
Example: Choose green stitch for the Boundary color. Click “Add to Cart”. Checkout, will result in a single color green Boundary and VS Logo for your cradle color.
Dual Color: For a 2nd color to be used on the VS logo embroidery, click here—-> VS embroidery.
Please make sure you click “Add to Cart” Before continuing to Step 3.
NOTE: New Send & Sling™ (only available for V3 slings) Customize is also available. Now you can personalize your V3 Sling type with any fabric print you have. Send in your fabric choice to Sling your Sports teams, car/bike brands, TV show (TWD, Game of Thrones, etc), or a favorite pattern print.
Optional Step 3:
Choose a VapeSling® Cradle Aperture size
Note: Custom cradle options are not available for the V2.1 Original Style sling. Please skip to step 4 for V2.1 Original choice
Skip to step 4 if you only want a Standard Tight Cradle on all your Slings.
If you are not sure, Click here to learn more—-> VapeSling® Cradle Aperture size

This is a free option provided for vapers to decide which aperture size is best suited for their use.
If you want this option, Please make sure you click “Add to Cart” Before continuing to Step 4.
Step 4: You are done. Click on your cart to Checkout
If more than 1 sling, repeat custom choices for each sling
If you have an Ego atty to use with your sling, we offer the 510toEgo adapter and Beauty Ring.
The 510toEgo adapter also guarantees 100% connection. Yes, it’s guaranteed.
There are few atty’s and batty’s without adjustment pins. This 510toEgo adapter will guarantee any 510 or Ego atty to connect when using any VapeSling.
Additional options such as bottle clips available —–>click here
VapeSling® Logo items/ Apparel—->click here
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