Since 2016 CASAA has been working cooperatively with ECigIntelligence, an independent information service focused on tracking regulatory change and market intelligence for the vape sector. CASAA assists them with their annual U.S. survey of adults who vape by helping them develop survey questions that aid us in our advocacy efforts and help take the pulse of the vaping community. As we do every year, CASAA is asking our members to participate in this year’s survey with the goal of collecting 5000 responses! Take the Survey! WHY SHOULD YOU PARTICIPATE? The data collected from this survey will help inform regulators, advocates, and commentators as we all work to build policies that benefit consumers. The FDA in particular subscribes to this dataset and it can therefore serve as direct feedback on how their policies benefit or harm people who vape. WHAT KIND OF QUESTIONS WILL YOU BE ASKED? The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete, and will ask you a range of questions starting with general demographic information like your age, gender, race, what state you live in, and your household income. Only a few of these demographic questions are required, however, so you can skip any you’d prefer not to disclose. After that you’ll answer a range of questions about your history of tobacco and vapor product use. The survey is anonymous, and none of the information provided can or will be used to personally identify you. You have the option of supplying your email at the end of the survey if you’d like to receive a summary of the results. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE IN THE SURVEY? Adults over the age of 21 living in the United States who currently use or previously used vapor and tobacco products are encouraged to participate. HOW ELSE CAN YOU HELP? After you’ve completed the survey, or if you are disqualified from participating but still want to help, please encourage your friends and family to participate! The goal of the survey is 5,000 respondents minimum, so every person helps! Take the Survey! Thank you for standing up for tobacco harm reduction, Alex Clark CEO, CASAA Follow Us |