AUG2018 Vapor Calls To Action
All CTA posted by date below
We hope you find this page helpful. Please let us know. We welcome feedback on CTA and/or VapeSling® products. Reach us anytime on the contact page or [email protected], or [email protected].
Also, please Reach out to your state or local area Reps is asking your for HR1136 support. Unite to fight for our right to VAPE!
Write, call or both to your lawmakers
- Contact your state representatives in Congress
- House Reps by State: Contact your state representatives in the Senate
- HR1136 in PDF
Here are some materials you can share on social media and as flyers around town.
- Download this image to share on social media (click here)
- Download and print this flyer for shops and public bulletin boards (click here)
- VapeWarriors and Vape Shop Owners: Download your Stop The Vape Ban Posters here
VSLLC /VapersArmy Daily Updates
VSLLC conducts daily research for new CTA’s (Calls to Action) to publish and alert the community.
On occasion, one of the esteemed #2018VapeFight .org’s may publish a CTA later in the day. It may pass us till the next day. Help this page—> ON IG, we have received several CTA Alerts from concerned Vapers (#VapeWarriors). We appreciate this and please continue or join in this practice. We will publish your handle when you tag us for the alert. Thank you VapersArmy!
The Vape Community is family…being part of a family means doing your part. Please advocate for Vapor as Harm reduction for you and future vapers.
- Posted 8/23/18 Click Here—>Petition against S3319 Flavor Ban. Takes seconds to do your part for Vapor Flavors. S3319 seeks to ban all flavored Vapor excluding tobacco and menthol. Fight for your yummy vapor flavors now. Thanks goes to IG @quickshotcompcoils for the heads up.
- Posted 8/18/18
Link to download sign—> “Quit with Flavor”. Thank you to @jenbergercoleman of IG for the Campaign start. has provided a link to download the “Quit on Flavor” sign to be used for this social media campaign. Contact @jenbergercoleman on IG with your posting. Please join us and do your part and raise awareness of vape flavors important role. The posts will be shared with the Senate, Congress, President and FDA.
Posted 8/9/18
MN – Otter Tail County – Stop Tobacco AND Vapor 21
Posted 8/6/18
Posted 7/21/18 (Thank you @luv2vape on IG for the alert)
Posted 06.22.18
Today, the Vapor Technology Association (VTA) & Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association (CASAA) announced a nationwide campaign to submit Declarations to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). These will be submitted regarding the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the regulation of flavors in tobacco products.
Follow this link – – to learn more and submit your sworn declaration to FDA today.
Posted 6/25/18
Posted 06.16.18
Posted 06.02.18
NY – Stop a Flavor Ban before it Starts!
Posted 05.31.18
Posted 05.23.18
VT – Help stop a tax on vaping!
Posted 05.17.18
IL – Three bills would deny adult access to life-saving vapor products!
Posted 05.14.18 Thanks to IG’s @hell_wolfie for the alert.
VT – Help stop a tax on vaping!
Posted 05.10.18
Posted 05.04.18
Posted 05.0.18 —>Thank you @afcarmona & @jenbergercoleman from IG. Also Les Leung for the alert
Last day May 1st: A Survey just for Users of Vapor Products.
This study is performed for research purposes only, with the purpose of publishing the findings in scientific journals, presenting them in conferences and informing FDA regulators. Your replies will be used solely for the stated purpose and for no other study for which you have not previously been informed and give your consent. |
Posted 04.24.18
NJ – Gov. Murphy is proposing a MASSIVE tax on vaping starting in FY 2019
Posted 04.20.18
MN – Stop an outrageous tax hike on vaping!
Posted 04.13.18
CASAA notice on FDA (ANPRM) Vapor Flavors. Click here to learn more plus take action.
Posted 04.09.18
FL – Stop an Anti-Vaping amendment in the state’s constitution!
Posted 04.03.18 —>Thank you @afcarmona & @jenbergercoleman from IG for the alert
A Survey just for Users of Vapor Products.
This study is performed for research purposes only, with the purpose of publishing the findings in scientific journals, presenting them in conferences and informing regulators. Your replies will be used solely for the stated purpose and for no other study for which you have not previously been informed and give your consent. |
Posted 4/2/18
Posted 03.21.18 –>Thanks to @jenbergercoleman & @a.billion.vapers for the Heads Up!
- Extremely Important CTA–>Flavor Ban: Submit a Comment to the Federal Register on E-liquid Flavors. A Rule on flavors will take place after our comments are heard. Our opinion matters and must be heard. Please submit your comment including your need for flavors to continue smoke free. Be polite in your submission. This is for real and will count tremendously. Mention every flavor you like no matter how juvenile the name. Such as Cotton Candy, Fruity Cereal or pop tart flavors. We are adults, however, many of us still enjoy flavors from our childhood. Let them know today!
- The Count for today at the FDA. See the comments already in by the Vape Community, family and friends.
Posted 03.12.18
MN – St. Peter – Stop tobacco AND vapor 21!
Posted 03.6.18
There is a deadline in Congress that is quickly approaching! A federal spending bill is being discussed NOW that could also include language that protects your right to vape and tightens restrictions on youth access! But to make sure the language stays in the spending bill, you should act now and spread the word!
We need to make sure that the final appropriations bill in the Senate has the “Cole-Bishop provision” that the House of Representatives has in its version of the bill. This crucial provision protects your right to vape, keeps your favorite products on the shelves, AND includes common-sense regulations that restrict underage access to vapor products.
Even if you have already reached out to your Members of Congress to Stop the Vape Ban, it is imperative that you reinforce your previous message! They need to hear YOUR story.
Visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now and let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!
Thank you for your continued support!
Stop the Vape Ban
The word around Capitol Hill is that this week is the final week for lawmakers to make their decisions on final language for the US budget appropriations bill. We have until Friday, March 9th to urge officials to support a predicate date change for vapor products (section 753).
We need your help in humanizing the tobacco harm reduction movement and your story is central to this effort.
Please visit and click on the phone icon.
Click on “Call Me” and we’ll connect you with your senators.
Points to discuss on your call with your senators:
- Briefly, share your story about how switching to vaping has helped you.
- Politely tell staff that you would like your senator to support modernizing the predicate date for vapor products.
- Make sure you thank staff for taking the time to listen to your comments.
If you get a recording, please leave a message.
Also remember to follow up with an email and a tweet. Just like making a call, we’ll connect you at
Thank you for your participation and support,
Alex Clark
Posted 03.5.18
IL – Bolingbrook – Stop Tobacco and Vapor 21!
Posted 03.2.18
Misinformation on vapor use and marketing to youths, is everywhere.
Your concerns should be your lawmakers concerns. TAKE ACTION NOW: CLICK HERE TO SEND THAT MESSAGE!
For Details, please click here.
Posted 02.19.18
Posted 02.15.18
Posted 02.08.18
Your support is making a difference, and your voice is being heard – but we need you to keep encouraging your Congressional officials to support this modernization of the predicate date that is included in the House version of the budget.
Please TAKE ACTION and visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now. Let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!
Posted 02.02.18 IN – Lafayette – Stop an indoor vaping ban!
Posted 1.30.18 Thank you for the Alert @beerdog123 on IG WA – Stop vaping taxes!
Posted 1.22.18 UT – Stop an outrageous tax on vaping!
Posted 1/19/18 AK – Keep Vaping OUT of Smoking Laws! (SB 63)
Posted 1.12.18 VapeWarriors and Vape Shop Owners: Download your Stop The Vape Ban Posters here
Posted 1/4/18
IQOS: Tobacco seeks to simulate the winning vape industry with it’s own alternative. Although better than traditional cigs, it’s still smoking whatever BIG Tobacco wants you to inhale. Vape e-liquid contains no deadly tar. Tobacco does. Plus, the trust of what you are inhaling is on Big Tobacco’s hands to do their worst. Such as the 900+ chemicals included with the tobacco in cigarettes. Now in a vaping device such as used for MMJ, BIG Tobacco can attempt to create the illusion of a healthier alternative. We can only hope this format of IQOS does not fool some into continuing the deadly tobacco habit. In worse case, reverting vapers back to Big Tobacco dollars. Truly a genius move by RJ Reynolds and all in Big Tobacco. VapeWarriors are a smarter bunch, yet need to heed the warning to family and friends. IQOS is still smoking BIG TOBACCO unknown fillers not VAPING a clean e-liquid.

The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and we are growing daily. We are a consumer organization, not a trade association. We are dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.
The timeline includes links to articles, patents, court decisions, and many other resources to give a comprehensive history of this revolutionary alternative to combustible tobacco.
Vapor Calls To Action
JOIN CASAA. By joining CASAA, you will become plugged into an advocacy network.
Smokers denied access to harm reduction