Click link to view and interact with U.S. Vapor Law State Map—>Local Vapor Laws: Easy Interactive States Map
A new and easy method to find out your local vapor laws currently enforced. The interactive map provided by CASAA allows you to pick your state Vapor Laws in great detail (as shown below for Nevada).

In addition, your state and local lawmakers are listed with contact info. Truly an essential tool for all #VapeWarrrior

Click Here to view and interact with U.S. Vapor Law State Map—>Local Vapor Laws: Easy Interactive States Map
Thank you for visiting VapeSling®
EST 2016 when developed VapeSling® latest version is: V3.0 Fabric Slings
Enjoy a new level of comfort and convenience with your new V3.0 Fabric Slings
About VapeSling LLC (VSLLC):
Vape Advocacy/Activism
VapeSling LLC is a Nevada, USA based company. All our employees are proud members of The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA), The Vaping Militia and the National Vapers Club (NVC); three organizations that further encourage ex-smokers to continue smoke-free lifestyles through scientific research on electronic cigarettes, education about vaping and vaping products, as well as helping to protect vaper rights through activism on the local, state, and federal levels. We also donate to .orgs such as NBS, and we hope you will too.
We created a VapersArmy on InstaGram that spread the word of justice for vapers. We furthermore, post every single CTA that exists currently on our dedicated web page –> Calls To Action – Vapor Products. We update this the daily in addition to update news posts under latest news. All vapers have access. .
On several occasions, VapeSling staff members have taken action on issues directly affecting our vaping community such as contacting several of our local Nevada politicians as well as the President himself. We encountered most favorable responses from Senators of Nevada.

VapeSling®: American Made
All VapeSling® products are “Made in the USA” with premium U.S. made materials. The VapeSling® breakthrough concept was born from e-cig/mod portability problems encountered with hand carry, pockets, pouches, belt clips, and all other available forms of e-cig/Mod portability. VapeSling® uses a unique Patent Pending concept which allows the user to carry, vape, and move. VapeSling® users can vape while their e-cig/mod is attached to their VapeSling®. Whether on the move or relaxing on a couch, a #VapeSlinger can carry their e-cig/mod comfortably, securely, and always ready to vape. No retrieving or re-deposits of your e-cig/Mod into any case, pouch, bag or pockets. No more devices falling to the ground. The VapeSling innovation has withstood the test of time by thousands of VapeSlingers. Enjoying CARRY.VAPE.MOVE. for 3 years since 2014. All device sizes, weights and shapes (Box, Cylindrical, etc.) will fit securely on your VapeSling® e-cig/Mod Holder.
Lastly, our USPTO patent will grant in 2019. Filed originally in 2014, our USPTO NPA examiner is very inquisitive, to say the least.
For more info, visit the this page—> VapeSling® E-cig/Mod/Vape Holder
Begin enjoying “hands free” carry, while vaping on the go. Get your VapeSling® today!
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