VapeSling® V2.1 Released 8/3/16
VapeSling® V2.1 Released 8/3/16
As of August 3rd, 2016, all our Slings are sewn in our VapeSling LLC Facility. VapeSlings will no longer use Knots as fasteners, rather permanent, durable, and reliable stitching.
No more worries of knots becoming undone in extreme heat nor moisture. Your Lifetime Guaranteed Sling is now washable as well as heat resistant.
VapeSling® V2.1 Released 8/3/16 is even more durable and reliable than before. We fasten your Sling cradle, using the paracord color of your choice (as shown in the pictures below), with black thread for cosmetic purposes. After weaving thru the upper apertures, the cording is sewn onto the tough 4 layer (2 PVC layers) canvas cradle (Flap that holds your mod). For extra strength, we use multiple stitches on both fasteners till the cording becomes one with the canvas.
Your new V2.1 Sling will hold well over a 70 lb. load.

Get yours now at this link—>Click Here
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