JOIN CASAA. By joining CASAA, you will become plugged into an advocacy network.
The most vital 2017 Vapor Call to Action for your state or local area is asking for HR1136 support. Unite to fight for our right to VAPE! Write, call or both to your lawmakers :
congress.gov/members: Contact your state representatives in Congress
House Reps by State: Contact your state representatives in the Senate
Posted 4/3/17
Call To Action for every vaper…YES, YOU!!!
Posted Mar 27th
HB 1908, which would raise the age to purchase tobacco and vapor products to 21, is scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday, March 28th, 2017 8:00 AM House Public Health Committee (notice) Room: EXT E2.1010 (map) Your voice is important! Please take a moment today and send a message urging your representative to oppose HB 1908. Take Action – …
Posted Mar 24
Even though there is no agreement between the NY Assembly, Senate, and Governor Cuomo regarding a tax on vapor products, vapor regulations are still being included in the state’s budget bill. Please take a moment TODAY to CALL Gov. Cuomo and urge him to completely remove vapor language from the budget! 518-474-8390
PA VapeWarriors! It’s time to fight once more! Your 40% tax can be fought…write your lawmakers now!
Write or call to Ask your state lawmakers to support this bill
Cole/Bishop bill in it’s entirety
Posted Feb 3rd
A 95% wholesale tax (SB 1517) on vapor products has been introduced in the Arizona senate. Such an outrageous tax rate is bad for both businesses and consumers. Not to mention the damaging public health consequences of taking smoke-free alternatives away from former smokers. It is vital that you TAKE ACTION by urging your Arizona senator to REJECT SB …
A bill (SB 119) has been introduced that would ban online sales of vapor products in Maryland. Supporters of SB 119 are promoting this as necessary to control youth access to vapor products. But, rather than prevent young people from making purchases, such an extreme regulation will actually limit adult access to vapor products. For those who live in areas …
Older but current posts
Posted Jan 4th
The new year is here, but responses to ECigIntelligence’s consumer survey are still needed.
Your participation in this survey will help inform regulators, advocates, and commentators as we all work to build policies that benefit consumers.
If you haven’t already, please take a moment (5 – 10 minutes) to complete the survey.
Thank you!
Alex Clark
CASAA Legislative Coordinator
Posted Jan 4th
2017 State Taxes affecting vapers throughout the country
Posted Dec 8th
Sign the Petition! —->www.atr.org/tell-trump-fire-us-surgeon-general
As the nation’s senior public health official his term doesn’t expire until the end of 2018. With President-elect Donald Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp” however, we’re calling on Trump to deliver a simple message to Dr. Murthy: YOU’RE FIRED!
Sign the petition by ATR, which will be delivered to the president’s office, asking President Trump to FIRE the Dr. Murthy and REPLACE him with someone who actually CARES about tobacco harm reduction and saving lives. The petition link is in the profile!
Note: NOT Blowing Smoke generally does not support petitions. However, in this case as the administration is in a transitional period (and appointments and seats are still being made) there is no way to direct the messages to specific targets. The petition will be HAND DELIVERED by ATR, though, at some point in the next month. Let’s make this a message that can be heard loud and clear with the new administration.
Posted Nov 7
(1) Send a Message! Support a change to the 2007 “predicate date” which could save the vapor industry from total destruction.
(2) Join CASAA! It’s easy, it’s free, and we will keep you up to date on information and opportunities to take action to protect your access to vapor products.
(3) Register To Vote! Millions of vapers, including YOU, have the power to influence government decisions by electing candidates who support vaping!
(4) Tell your story! Visit CASAA’s Testimonials Project and tell us about your experience with low-risk, smoke-free products like e-cigarettes and snus.
(5) Support CASAA’s work to promote tobacco harm reduction policies and keep the diverse range of smoke-free alternatives available.
(Please note: if you live outside of Wisconsin, please follow the directions below to print and send your letter.) Senator Ron Johnson (WI) is taking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to task over the impact of the “deeming rule” on small to medium vapor businesses across the country. Sen. Johnson, Chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental …
Update August 21, 2015: The comment deadline has been extended to September 30, 2015. DEADLINE for Comment is August 31, 2015 September 30, 2015. I. Background The FDA recently published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) requesting comments on rules about “Nicotine Exposure Warnings and Child-Resistant Packaging for Liquid Nicotine, Nicotine-Containing E-Liquid(s), and Other Tobacco Products.” As is obvious from …
The FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2015 (HR 2058), introduced by Representative Tom Cole of Oklahoma, would save the U.S. vapor industry from being decimated by improper regulations by the FDA. This bill would amend the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act to change the grandfather date for “deemed tobacco products.” This change would allow for all vapor products currently …
The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and we are growing daily. We are a consumer organization, not a trade association. We are dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.
The timeline includes links to articles, patents, court decisions, and many other resources to give a comprehensive history of this revolutionary alternative to combustible tobacco.
CASAA Call to Action for ALL VAPERS
Even if you’ve reached out to your lawmakers in the past, we need you to do it again. We have received word that the Cole-Bishop amendment is being seriously considered for inclusion in the FY2017 US budget.
But, this is not a guarantee. There are strong forces working against anything that might be perceived as a “Republican rider” in the budget bill. Even though Cole-Bishop is a bipartisan effort in support of what should be a bipartisan issue, the effort to modernize the predicate date for vapor products has been stripped out of the budget before.
We need your help to keep Cole-Bishop in the budget bill!
Nevada only published..find your state lawmakers at :
congress.gov/members: Contact your state representatives in Congress
House Reps by State: Contact your state representatives in the Senate
Please take a moment to call your representative and senators
Points to discuss on your call:
When you’re finished with your call, visit www.august8th.org and send an email.
Please share this URL with everyone. EVERYONE!
Thank you,
CASAA Legislative Team
VapeSling® VapersArmy.org
As of March 23rd 2017, New Send & Sling™ Customize is released.
(only available for V3 slings)
Now you can personalize your V3 Sling type with any fabric print you desire. Sling your Sports teams (NFL, NBA etc), car/bike brands (Harley), TV show (TWD, GOT, etc), or a favorite pattern print (Stripes, polka-dots, etc…).
Step 1: Go to any fabric store and select your favorite printed fabric. Copyright material such as Disney® are fine to use. Our legal team assures your purchased copyright fabric can be used legally for your OWN* Sling customization. The sturdier your fabric, the better. Tee shirts can be sent in, however, the material may not be long enough for a MODster for instance. Please keep this in mind when selecting your fabric for your Sling type. Please send at least 2 yards if possible, to avoid seams.
Step 2: Shop VapeSling.com and add your V3 Sling type to your cart. Immediately after, add the Send & Sling FREE option to the cart. Checkout and done on the site.
Step 3: Send your fabric to:
VapeSling LLC
Attention: Send&Sling
10624 S Eastern Ave
STE: A-838
Henderson, NV 89052
We suggest using the most economical method: USPS “Thick/Padded envelope” rate. Using any clasp envelope of 9×12 or larger, your rate can be as low as $2.61 (1-4oz) and up to $4.30 (1 lbs).
Step 4: 3-5 days after we receive your fabric, you will receive your new custom Sling.
Note: The VapeSling® VS® Logo accompanies your sling and custom fabric. Therefore, we forbid fabric with hate lettering or symbols. These will be discarded and money refunded. Profanity is ok as long as it is directed at the FDA 🙂
Reminder: Please add your Sling choice to the cart as well as the complimentary Send & Sling option.
*NOTE: You are not re-distribute any of the S&S slings.
Mar 21, 2017 — Cole/Bishop have drafted legislation to accomplish what the amendment proposed last year would have done, to change the grandfather date so that existing vapor products would be exempt from the PMTA process. HR 1136 has already gained some support, if your representatives are on the list, send them a message and thank them for their support. If your reps are not sponsors, send them a message and let them know you want their support.
We have to keep fighting, any and every way that we can.
Netflix, Hulu, HBO, & More
Our new broadcast distributor has been discussing A Billion Lives with HBO, AMC, MBC, YLC, MediaLaan, RTL, ProSieben, Telefilms, Bell Media, and Turner. In addition, they plan to bring our movie to Cannes next month for meetings with more key people.
This could be huge.
Vapor News and Views – New FDA Head
March 13, 2017
Vapor News and Views
News and views on vapor tax and regulatory issues from across the United States. The best way to stay up to date with what’s happening in Washington and in your state capitol.
President Trump has nominated Scott Gottlieb to head the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), an agency mired in red tape and bureaucracy. You may recall, Gottlieb was first on my list of options under consideration and there are plenty of reasons to believe this is a good thing for the vapor industry and its consumers. More below!
Paul Blair
Strategic Initiatives Director
Americans for Tax Reform
Who is Dr. Scott Gottlieb and is he on our team?
Nearly all of what you’ll read about Gottlieb relates to his belief that the approval of medicines and medical devices must be sped up. While many of you reading this may have an interest in those topics, I’m going to avoid commentary on the subject (other than to say it’s great) and focus on two issues of relevance to this newsletter.
First, read this 2013 Forbes piece written by Gottlieb, “FDA’s New Tobacco Scheme, and Its Legislative Underpinnings, May Go Up in Smoke.” In the piece, he outlines the two dominant forces at play in the aftermath of the Tobacco Control Act, which brought tobacco products under regulatory control of the FDA. Those two forces were the anti-tobacco crowd (activists) and current and future manufacturers of reduced risk products, like vapor products. In 2013, he concluded that “only one party can win.”
To date, the activists have won. Absent immediate changes, the FDA will oversee the prohibition of vapor products in less than two years. But, if confirmed, Gottlieb can put a stop to that. The question becomes, will he? I’ve got good reasons to believe there’s going to be a culture shift at the agency in a way that’s more helpful than the status quo.
Second, a bit more on his background. Gottlieb served as Deputy Commissioner for Medical and Scientific Affairs at the FDA under President George W. Bush, is a clinical professor at NYU’s School of Medicine and a venture partner at New Enterprise Associates, and is currently a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
As I often point out, they’re as big a fans of the concept of harm reduction over at AEI as we are at ATR. A few pieces of commentary from AEI’s Sally Satel:
“What the US Should Learn from the UK’s Wisdom on E-Cigarettes;”
“Congress, Save E-Cigarettes from the FDA;”
“How Vapers Can Help Smokers Quit;”
Where does this leave us? This nomination continues a significant opportunity for advancing a stated goal of the Trump administration: Big League regulatory reform. Gottlieb is a cancer survivor. He isn’t some out-of-touch public health bureaucrat with little to no understanding of the real impact that bureaucracy can have on saving (or destroying) lives. I remain optimistic that this good, very good for the goals of the vapor industry and its millions of consumers who are living healthier lives as a result of market innovations.
New Cole-Bishop Stand Alone Bill Dropped: Broad Coalition Support
Mid last month, House Resolution 1136 was filed by Congressman Tom Cole (R-Okla.). The “FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2017” accomplishes the same goals as the more well-known “Cole-Bishop Amendment,” the amendment to the House Agriculture Appropriations Bill, which is still under consideration (see: alive) for the FY17 budget debate. (Reminder: the ultimate goal is a modernization of the February 2007 predicate date).
No surprise; the first co-sponsor of the bill was Congressman Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.) and to-date the bill has 14 co-sponsors. It’s been assigned to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
There’s a real consensus on this effort. Leaders from the American Vaping Association (AVA), Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association (SFATA), Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA), and Vapor Technology Association (VTA) sent a letter to Speaker Paul Ryan and Minority Leader Pelosi urging support for the common sense legislation.
Center for Tobacco Products’ Mitch Zeller Out?
Mitch Zeller, the director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products is not a political appointee. He’s under no obligation to leave the position and could theoretically stick around for a while. But, there are some rumors that he’ll leave this year. He’ll have two choices when confronted with an FDA more supportive of harm reduction than he is: head back to the private sector or change course. My money’s on the big retainer awaiting him at any of the large pharmaceutical companies. Fingers crossed.
Upcoming Event Alert: Tobacco Control in an Era of Vapor Products
This Thursday, March 16th, Americans for Tax Reform is co-hosting an event in Washington, D.C. at the Heritage Foundation, “Rethinking Tobacco Control in an Era of E-Cigarettes and Other Alternatives to Smoking.” I’ll be joined by AEI’s Sally Satel, National Center for Public Policy Research’s Jeff Stier, and Heritage’s Daren Bakst.
Details: “This expert panel will discuss [smoking] alternatives, the latest research, the current harmful meddling of the federal government, and a new approach to tobacco policy, “tobacco harm reduction,” that recognizes that reducing the harm from the delivery of nicotine is not an all-or-nothing proposition.”
For those of you who live in real America and are unable to attend the event in person, that event can be viewed at 12:00PM EST on Heritage’s website. More info here.
If you think this was informative please do forward to friends or colleagues who might be interested in Vapor News and Views!
And if you can’t get enough… Get your premium content subscription to Vapor News and Views Pro by emailing me at [email protected]
Paul Blair | Americans for Tax Reform | 202-785-0266 | [email protected] | www.atr.org
JOIN CASAA. By joining CASAA, you will become plugged into an advocacy network.
The most vital 2017 Vapor Call to Action for your state or local area is asking for HR1136 support. Unite to fight for our right to VAPE! Write, call or both to your lawmakers :
congress.gov/members: Contact your state representatives in Congress
House Reps by State: Contact your state representatives in the Senate
Posted Mar 27th
HB 1908, which would raise the age to purchase tobacco and vapor products to 21, is scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday, March 28th, 2017 8:00 AM House Public Health Committee (notice) Room: EXT E2.1010 (map) Your voice is important! Please take a moment today and send a message urging your representative to oppose HB 1908. Take Action – …
Posted Mar 24
Even though there is no agreement between the NY Assembly, Senate, and Governor Cuomo regarding a tax on vapor products, vapor regulations are still being included in the state’s budget bill. Please take a moment TODAY to CALL Gov. Cuomo and urge him to completely remove vapor language from the budget! 518-474-8390
PA VapeWarriors! It’s time to fight once more! Your 40% tax can be fought…write your lawmakers now!
Write or call to Ask your state lawmakers to support this bill
Cole/Bishop bill in it’s entirety
Posted Feb 3rd
A 95% wholesale tax (SB 1517) on vapor products has been introduced in the Arizona senate. Such an outrageous tax rate is bad for both businesses and consumers. Not to mention the damaging public health consequences of taking smoke-free alternatives away from former smokers. It is vital that you TAKE ACTION by urging your Arizona senator to REJECT SB …
A bill (SB 119) has been introduced that would ban online sales of vapor products in Maryland. Supporters of SB 119 are promoting this as necessary to control youth access to vapor products. But, rather than prevent young people from making purchases, such an extreme regulation will actually limit adult access to vapor products. For those who live in areas …
Older but current posts
Posted Jan 4th
The new year is here, but responses to ECigIntelligence’s consumer survey are still needed.
Your participation in this survey will help inform regulators, advocates, and commentators as we all work to build policies that benefit consumers.
If you haven’t already, please take a moment (5 – 10 minutes) to complete the survey.
Thank you!
Alex Clark
CASAA Legislative Coordinator
Posted Jan 4th
2017 State Taxes affecting vapers throughout the country
Posted Dec 8th
Sign the Petition! —->www.atr.org/tell-trump-fire-us-surgeon-general
As the nation’s senior public health official his term doesn’t expire until the end of 2018. With President-elect Donald Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp” however, we’re calling on Trump to deliver a simple message to Dr. Murthy: YOU’RE FIRED!
Sign the petition by ATR, which will be delivered to the president’s office, asking President Trump to FIRE the Dr. Murthy and REPLACE him with someone who actually CARES about tobacco harm reduction and saving lives. The petition link is in the profile!
Note: NOT Blowing Smoke generally does not support petitions. However, in this case as the administration is in a transitional period (and appointments and seats are still being made) there is no way to direct the messages to specific targets. The petition will be HAND DELIVERED by ATR, though, at some point in the next month. Let’s make this a message that can be heard loud and clear with the new administration.
Posted Nov 7
(1) Send a Message! Support a change to the 2007 “predicate date” which could save the vapor industry from total destruction.
(2) Join CASAA! It’s easy, it’s free, and we will keep you up to date on information and opportunities to take action to protect your access to vapor products.
(3) Register To Vote! Millions of vapers, including YOU, have the power to influence government decisions by electing candidates who support vaping!
(4) Tell your story! Visit CASAA’s Testimonials Project and tell us about your experience with low-risk, smoke-free products like e-cigarettes and snus.
(5) Support CASAA’s work to promote tobacco harm reduction policies and keep the diverse range of smoke-free alternatives available.
(Please note: if you live outside of Wisconsin, please follow the directions below to print and send your letter.) Senator Ron Johnson (WI) is taking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to task over the impact of the “deeming rule” on small to medium vapor businesses across the country. Sen. Johnson, Chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental …
Update August 21, 2015: The comment deadline has been extended to September 30, 2015. DEADLINE for Comment is August 31, 2015 September 30, 2015. I. Background The FDA recently published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) requesting comments on rules about “Nicotine Exposure Warnings and Child-Resistant Packaging for Liquid Nicotine, Nicotine-Containing E-Liquid(s), and Other Tobacco Products.” As is obvious from …
The FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2015 (HR 2058), introduced by Representative Tom Cole of Oklahoma, would save the U.S. vapor industry from being decimated by improper regulations by the FDA. This bill would amend the Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act to change the grandfather date for “deemed tobacco products.” This change would allow for all vapor products currently …
The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and we are growing daily. We are a consumer organization, not a trade association. We are dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.
The timeline includes links to articles, patents, court decisions, and many other resources to give a comprehensive history of this revolutionary alternative to combustible tobacco.
Thank you for visiting VapeSling®
NEW!!! Web Prevention Measure – Security Upgrades (2017)
The new VapeSling® website is HTTPS secured throughout the website. This assures your session with us is completely safe.
You may also notice a site lock to protect us and you. All customer input is locked up in our vaulted database and scanned constantly for malware.
Although there was no breach, prevention is best for us and our VapeSlingers info (and Mods). Thank you for Slinging with us since 2014.
If you are a daily Slinger, you may have valuable feedback? If so,Please, write a review. Every product page has it’s own review tab. Or tell us on our secure Contact Us.
New (Oct 2016) VapeSling® version: V3 Web Slings
Enjoy a new level of comfort and convenience with your new V3.0 Web Slings
About VapeSling LLC (VSLLC):
Vape Advocacy/Activism
VapeSling LLC is a Nevada, USA based company. All our employees are proud members of The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA), The Vaping Militia and the National Vapers Club (NVC); three organizations that further encourage ex-smokers to continue smoke-free lifestyles through scientific research on electronic cigarettes, education about vaping and vaping products, as well as help protect vaper rights through activism on the local, state, and federal levels. We also donate to .orgs such as NBS, and we hope you will too.
We created a VapersArmy on InstaGram that spread the word of justice for vapers. We furthermore, post every single CTA that exists currently on our dedicated web page –> Calls To Action – Vapor Products. We update this the daily in addition to update news posts under latest news. All vapers have access. No one has an excuse to not fight for Vaper Rights. Before this author goes on a rant about sheeple, we will move on.
On several occasions, VapeSling staff members have taken action on issues directly affecting our vaping community such as contacting several of our local Nevada politicians as well as the President himself. We encountered most favorable responses from Senator of Nevada, Dean Heller and recently Representative of Nevada Joe Heck . If you are a local to Nevada, please contact them to express your vaping concerns and relay any call to action from vaping advocate groups, clubs and associations. Furthermore, thank and support Joe Heck and Dean Heller by voting for their renewed services on election day.
All VapeSling® models are “Made in the USA” with premium U.S. made materials. The VapeSling® breakthrough concept was born from e-cig/mod portability problems encountered with hand carry, pockets, pouches, belt clips, and all other available forms of e-cig/Mod portability. VapeSling® uses a unique Patent Pending concept which allows the user to carry, vape, and move. VapeSling® users can vape while their e-cig/mod is attached to their VapeSling®. Whether on the move or relaxing on a couch, a #VapeSlinger can carry their e-cig/mod comfortably, securely, and always ready to vape. No retrieving or re-deposits of your e-cig/Mod into any case, pouch, bag or pockets. No more devices falling to the ground. The VapeSling innovation has withstood the test of time by thousands of VapeSlingers. Enjoying CARRY.VAPE.MOVE. for 3 years since 2014. All device sizes, weights and shapes (Box, Cylindrical, etc.) will fit securely on your VapeSling® e-cig/Mod Holder.
Lastly, our USPTO patent will grant in 2017. Filed in 2014, our USPTO NPA is finally on the examiners desk.
For more info, visit the this page—> VapeSling® E-cig/Mod/Vape Holder
Begin enjoying “hands free” carry, while vaping on the go. Get your VapeSling® today!
Please subscribe to our Website to receive VapeSling® Latest news on products and Vaping advocacy
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