FDA threats Banning Flavored E-Cigarettes


Unelected Bureaucrats Consider Banning Adults from Buying Flavored E-Cigarettes

| SEP 12, 2018 |


REUTERS/Mike Segar

FDA threats Banning Flavored E-Cigarettes

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is strongly considering banning all flavored e-cigarettes.

E-cigarettes, such as Juul, have become a popular alternative to smoking. The smoking alternative came under FDA control in 2016, when the administration placed an age requirement of 18-years-old on the product.

Now, the FDA wants to crack down on flavored products. FDA Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, an appointee of President Donald Trump, stated, “We see clear signs that youth use of electronic cigarettes has reached an epidemic proportion.”

The unelected officials at the FDA are now requiring private businesses, like Juul, to provide a detailed plan for how they will attempt to limit access of their product to those under 18.

Juul detailed their extensive plan on their website. Their plans include investing $30 million in educational materials for young people, ID match and age verification technology for online sales, age exclusive social media marketing, and support for legislation restricting access to those under 18.

Juul e-cigarette starter pack is seen in this picture illustration taken July 16, 2018. REUTERS/Martinne Geller/Illustration

Despite this extensive plan, some of the unelected bureaucrats at the FDA would still like to ban flavored e-cigarette products.

While the health risks for e-cigarette smoking are still being conducted, there are decades worth of studies on traditional cigarettes highlighting the horrible side effects of smoking.

One Harvard study found that e-cigarettes, while not good for you, are much less toxic than traditional cigarettes. Another study found that e-cigarettes are “no more or no less” effective than nicotine patches when used to help stop smoking.

A Juul spokesperson, Victoria Davis, argued in a statement to Reuters that “appropriate flavors play an important role in helping adult smokers switch.”

Although Gottlieb conceded that e-cigarettes may help adults stop smoking, it seems as though he won’t be swayed by Juul’s work to prevent kids from accessing the product.

U.S. Food and Drug Commissioner Scott Gottlieb attends an interview at Reuters headquarters in New York City, U.S., October 10, 2017. REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz/File Photo

“While we remain committed to advancing policies that promote the potential of e-cigarettes to help adult smokers move away from combustible cigarettes, that work can’t come at the expense of kids,” said Gottlieb.

Instead of cracking down on enforcement to ensure that teens aren’t getting the product, it seems as though the FDA is leaning toward banning the product for everyone.

Despite the fact that not one person casted a vote for Gottlieb, his board at the FDA has the future of flavored e-cigarettes in their hands.

News Article from IJR.com

Direct Link to IJR article

 2018 vapesling.com | brought to you by VapeSling® and IG VapersArmy

FDA Takes Historic Action against 5 E-cig Manufacturers


FDA Takes Historic Action against 5 E-cig Manufacturers

Note: This post can also be found at the FDA official site link–> FDA Article

FDA takes new steps to address epidemic of youth e-cigarette use, including a historic action against more than 1,300 retailers and 5 major manufacturers for their roles perpetuating youth access

Warning letters and civil money penalty complaints to retailers are largest coordinated enforcement effort in agency history; FDA requests manufacturers provide plan for mitigating youth sales within 60 days; warns it may restrict flavored e-cigarettes to address youth epidemic

For Immediate Release

September 12, 2018


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced a series of critical and historic enforcement actions related to the sale and marketing of e-cigarettes to kids. In the largest coordinated enforcement effort in the FDA’s history, the agency issued more than 1,300 warning letters and civil money penalty complaints (fines) to retailers who illegally sold JUUL and other e-cigarette products to minors during a nationwide, undercover blitz of brick-and-mortar and online stores this summer. As a result of these violations of the law – and other indications that e-cigarette use among youth has hit epidemic proportions – FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., signaled that the agency intends to take new and significant steps to address this challenge in a speech at the agency’s headquarters.

“We’re committed to the comprehensive approach to address addiction to nicotine that we announced last year. But at the same time, we see clear signs that youth use of electronic cigarettes has reached an epidemic proportion, and we must adjust certain aspects of our comprehensive strategy to stem this clear and present danger. This starts with the actions we’re taking today to crack down on retail sales of e-cigarettes to minors. We will also revisit our compliance policy that extended the dates for manufacturers of certain flavored e-cigarettes to submit applications for premarket authorization. I believe certain flavors are one of the principal drivers of the youth appeal of these products. While we remain committed to advancing policies that promote the potential of e-cigarettes to help adult smokers move away from combustible cigarettes, that work can’t come at the expense of kids. We cannot allow a whole new generation to become addicted to nicotine. In the coming weeks, we’ll take additional action under our Youth Tobacco Prevention Plan to immediately address the youth access to, and the appeal of, these products,” said FDA Commissioner Gottlieb. “Today, we asked five e-cigarette manufacturers to put forward plans to immediately and substantially reverse these trends, or face a potential decision by the FDA to reconsider extending the compliance dates for submission of premarket applications. Our comprehensive plan on nicotine and tobacco regulation remains intact and we remain committed to its goals to reduce tobacco-related disease and death, including our efforts to reduce the nicotine in combustible products to render cigarettes minimally or non-addictive. We’re also fully committed to the concept that products that deliver nicotine exist on a continuum of risk, with combustible products representing the highest risk, and electronic nicotine delivery systems perhaps presenting an alternative for adult smokers who still seek access to satisfying levels of nicotine, but without all of the harmful effects that come from combustion. But in enabling a path for e-cigarettes to offer a potentially lower risk alternative for adult smokers, we won’t allow the current trends in youth access and use to continue, even if it means putting limits in place that reduce adult uptake of these products.”

FDA undertakes aggressive enforcement strategy targeting illegal sales to youth and kid-friendly marketing

As part of the agency’s Youth Tobacco Prevention Plan and ongoing work to protect youth from the dangers of tobacco products, the FDA has taken a series of actions over the past several months to more immediately target the illegal sales of e-cigarettes to youth, as well as the kid-friendly marketing and appeal of these products.

The FDA is stepping up those efforts indefinitely.

One aspect of the agency’s plan will entail increased enforcement. The more than 1,300 warning letters and fines to retailers announced today were part of a large-scale, undercover nationwide blitz to crack down on the sale of e-cigarettes to minors at both brick-and-mortar and online retailers, which was conducted from June through the end of August. The vast majority of the violations were for the illegal sale of five e-cigarette products – Vuse, Blu, JUUL, MarkTen XL, and Logic. These five brands currently comprise over 97 percent of the U.S. market for e-cigarettes.

In addition, today the FDA also issued 12 warning letters to other online retailers that are selling misleadingly labeled and/or advertised e-liquids resembling kid-friendly food products such as candy and cookies. These products were the subject of agency action in May and, subsequently, are no longer being sold with the offending labeling and advertising by the companies that received the May warning letters. However, the retailers receiving the warning letters today are still advertising and selling the violative products. Several of these retailers were also cited for illegally selling the products to minors. The agency will continue to monitor and take action against companies that sell tobacco products that might mislead a young child into thinking the product is appropriate for them to consume as food. The FDA has more compliance actions underway.

In addition to these new actions, the FDA had previously issued more than 60 warning letters and fines to businesses that sold JUUL brand products to minors stemming from another enforcement blitz this past spring. The agency also recently sent letters to JUUL Labs and several other companies requiring them to submit important documents to better understand the reportedly high rates of youth use and the particular youth appeal of their products. The FDA is currently investigating whether manufacturers introduced certain e-cigarette products to the market after Aug. 8, 2016, and may be subject to enforcement for marketing those products without premarket authorization.

The FDA also continues to conduct checks of retail establishments that sell tobacco products to ensure compliance with federal laws. In total, the FDA has conducted 978,290 retail inspections, issued 77,180 warning letters to retailers for violating the law and initiated approximately 18,560 civil money penalty cases, as of Sept. 1, 2018. There is a clear need for strong federal enforcement of youth access restrictions and the FDA will continue to hold retailers accountable by vigorously enforcing the law with the help of the agency’s state partners.

The agency also has issued more than 135 No-Tobacco-Sale Order Complaints, which can result in retailers being prohibited from selling tobacco products for specified periods of time.

FDA warns youth use of e-cigarettes is reaching epidemic proportions, signals new, aggressive steps to address challenge, including re-examining FDA’s compliance policy regarding flavored e-cigarettes

Over the past several years, e-cigarettes were the most commonly used tobacco product by youth. In fact, more than 2 million middle and high school students were current users of e-cigarettes in 2017.

This use by children and teens is especially concerning to the FDA because the developing adolescent brain is particularly vulnerable to nicotine addiction. That’s why combating youth use of nicotine-containing products is a core priority and the guiding principle behind the FDA’s Youth Tobacco Prevention Plan.

The FDA now believes that youth use of e-cigarettes is reaching epidemic proportions. This belief is based on not just the results of the agency’s enforcement actions, but also recent sales trends, news coverage, increased concerns among kids, parents and educators, as well as preliminary data that will be finalized and released in the coming months.

To address these trends, and as another part of the agency’s effort, the FDA is re-examining its compliance policy dates for the submission of premarket tobacco applications to the FDA for certain e-cigarettes. Toward these goals, and recognizing the critical role manufacturers must play in curtailing youth use of their products, the FDA today issued letters to the manufacturers of the five top-selling national brands. All of these brands – JUUL, Vuse, MarkTen XL, blu e-cigs, and Logic – made up a vast majority of the products illegally sold to minors as part of the blitz this summer. The agency is asking each company to submit to FDA within 60 days plans describing how they will address the widespread youth access and use of their products. If they fail to do so, or if the plans do not appropriately address this issue, the FDA will consider whether it would be appropriate to revisit the current policy that results in these products remaining on the market without a marketing order from the agency. This could mean requiring these brands to remove some or all of their flavored products that may be contributing to the rise in youth use from the market until they receive premarket authorization and otherwise meet all of their obligations under the law.

Today, the agency has also committed to taking even stronger measures to stem these troubling trends of youth use:

  • Looking at, and potentially changing, the FDA’s current compliance policy to determine whether it can better account for manufacturers that are not successfully preventing widespread youth use of their products. This means re-examining all aspects of the enforcement discretion that the FDA exercised when it extended the compliance dates for premarket authorization for certain newly deemed tobacco products. This could also mean revising the overall policy that applies to all manufacturers, which would go beyond the requests that were sent with respect to certain individual products today, and address the entire category of cartridge based e-cigarettes.
  • Indefinitely stepping up FDA enforcement actions with a sustained campaign to monitor, penalize and prevent e-cigarette sales in convenience stores and other retail sites.
  • Closely evaluating manufacturers’ own internet storefronts and distribution practices and taking appropriate enforcement actions if we find violations of the restrictions on sales to minors. The FDA has at its disposal both civil and criminal remedies to address demonstrated violations of the law.
  • Investigating whether manufacturers of certain e-cigarette products may be marketing new products that were not on the market as of Aug. 8, 2016, thus falling outside of the FDA’s compliance policy, and have not gone through premarket review.

The FDA will also be developing an overall policy roadmap, designed to both address these trends and remain true to the goals of the comprehensive plan on nicotine and tobacco regulation announced in July 2017, which aims to render cigarettes minimally or non-addictive and encourage the development of innovative tobacco products that could help currently addicted adult smokers switch to potentially less harmful forms of nicotine delivery. This also includes new steps that the FDA will announce in the coming weeks to promote wider access to nicotine replacement therapy marketed as new drugs as a way to help more adult smokers quit cigarettes.

As part of the FDA’s comprehensive plan, the agency also continues to explore clear and meaningful measures to make tobacco products less toxic, appealing and addictive with an intense focus on youth. This could include measures on flavors/designs that appeal to youth, child-resistant packaging and product labeling to prevent accidental child exposure to liquid nicotine. The FDA also issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking in March to seek public comment on the role that flavors in tobacco products play in attracting youth. Additionally, the agency plans to explore additional restrictions on the sale and promotion of ENDS to further reduce youth exposure and access to these products.

The FDA has also expanded “The Real Cost” public education campaign with messages focused on preventing youth use of e-cigarettes. The FDA will launch a new, full-scale e-cigarette campaign targeted to youth next week.

The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.


Page Last Updated: 09/12/2018

SEPT2018 Vapor Calls To Action

V3 satin MODster™

SEPT2018 Vapor Calls To Action

All CTA posted by date below

We hope you find this page helpful. Please let us know. We welcome feedback on CTA and/or VapeSling® products. Reach us anytime on the contact page or [email protected], or [email protected].

Also, please Reach out to your state or local area Reps is asking your for HR1136 support and opposition to S.3319. Unite to fight for our right to VAPE!

Write, call or both to your lawmakers

Here are some materials you can share on social media and as flyers around town.

VSLLC /VapersArmy Daily Updates

VSLLC conducts daily research for new CTA’s (Calls to Action) to publish and alert the community.

On occasion, one of the esteemed #2018VapeFight .org’s may publish a CTA later in the day. It may pass us till the next day. Help this page—> ON IG, we have received several CTA Alerts from concerned Vapers (#VapeWarriors). We appreciate this and please continue or join in this practice. We will publish your handle when you tag us for the alert. Thank you VapersArmy!

The Vape Community is family…being part of a family means doing your part. Please advocate for Vapor as Harm reduction for you and future vapers.

Latest CTA listings

Link to download sign—> “Quit with Flavor”. Thank you to @jenbergercoleman of IG for the Campaign start. NotBlowingSmoke.org has provided a link to download the “Quit on Flavor” sign to be used for this social media campaign. Contact @jenbergercoleman on IG with your posting. Please join us and do your part and  raise awareness of vape flavors important role. The posts will be shared with the Senate, Congress, President and FDA.

Posted 8/9/18

MN – Otter Tail County – Stop Tobacco AND Vapor 21

Posted 8/6/18

Posted 7/21/18 (Thank you @luv2vape on IG for the alert)

Posted 06.22.18

Today, the Vapor Technology Association (VTA) & Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association (CASAA) announced a nationwide campaign to submit Declarations to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). These will be submitted regarding the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the regulation of flavors in tobacco products.

Follow this link – actnow.io/saveflavors – to learn more and submit your sworn declaration to FDA today.

Posted 6/25/18

Posted 06.16.18

Posted 06.02.18

NY – Stop a Flavor Ban before it Starts!

Posted 05.31.18


Posted 05.23.18

VT – Help stop a tax on vaping!

Posted 05.17.18

IL – Three bills would deny adult access to life-saving vapor products!

Posted 05.14.18 Thanks to IG’s @hell_wolfie for the alert.

VT – Help stop a tax on vaping!

Posted 05.10.18


Posted 05.04.18

The FDA is Coming – Vapor Business

Posted 05.0.18 —>Thank you @afcarmona & @jenbergercoleman from IG. Also Les Leung for the alert

Last day May 1st: A Survey just for Users of Vapor Products.

This study is performed for research purposes only, with the purpose of publishing the findings in scientific journals, presenting them in conferences and informing FDA regulators. Your replies will be used solely for the stated purpose and for no other study for which you have not previously been informed and give your consent.

Posted 04.24.18

NJ – Gov. Murphy is proposing a MASSIVE tax on vaping starting in FY 2019

Posted 04.20.18

MN – Stop an outrageous tax hike on vaping!

Posted 04.13.18

CASAA notice on FDA (ANPRM) Vapor Flavors. Click here to learn more plus take action.

Posted 04.09.18

FL – Stop an Anti-Vaping amendment in the state’s constitution!

Posted 04.03.18 —>Thank you @afcarmona & @jenbergercoleman from IG for the alert

A Survey just for Users of Vapor Products.

This study is performed for research purposes only, with the purpose of publishing the findings in scientific journals, presenting them in conferences and informing regulators. Your replies will be used solely for the stated purpose and for no other study for which you have not previously been informed and give your consent.

Posted 4/2/18

Posted 03.21.18 –>Thanks to @jenbergercoleman & @a.billion.vapers for the Heads Up!


Posted 03.12.18

MN – St. Peter – Stop tobacco AND vapor 21!

Posted 03.6.18

There is a deadline in Congress that is quickly approaching! A federal spending bill is being discussed NOW that could also include language that protects your right to vape and tightens restrictions on youth access! But to make sure the language stays in the spending bill, you should act now and spread the word!

We need to make sure that the final appropriations bill in the Senate has the “Cole-Bishop provision” that the House of Representatives has in its version of the bill. This crucial provision protects your right to vape, keeps your favorite products on the shelves, AND includes common-sense regulations that restrict underage access to vapor products.

Even if you have already reached out to your Members of Congress to Stop the Vape Ban, it is imperative that you reinforce your previous message! They need to hear YOUR story.

Visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now and let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to EmailThank you for your continued support!

Stop the Vape Ban



The word around Capitol Hill is that this week is the final week for lawmakers to make their decisions on final language for the US budget appropriations bill. We have until Friday, March 9th to urge officials to support a predicate date change for vapor products (section 753).

We need your help in humanizing the tobacco harm reduction movement and your story is central to this effort.

Please visit August8th.org and click on the phone icon.

Click on “Call Me” and we’ll connect you with your senators.

Points to discuss on your call with your senators:

  1. Briefly, share your story about how switching to vaping has helped you.
  2. Politely tell staff that you would like your senator to support modernizing the predicate date for vapor products.
  3. Make sure you thank staff for taking the time to listen to your comments.

If you get a recording, please leave a message.

Also remember to follow up with an email and a tweet. Just like making a call, we’ll connect you at August8th.org.

Thank you for your participation and support,

Alex Clark


Posted 03.5.18

IL – Bolingbrook – Stop Tobacco and Vapor 21!

Posted 03.2.18


Misinformation on vapor use and marketing to youths, is everywhere.

Your concerns should be your lawmakers concerns. TAKE ACTION NOW: CLICK HERE TO SEND THAT MESSAGE!

For Details, please click here.

Posted 02.19.18


Posted 02.15.18


Posted 02.08.18

Your support is making a difference, and your voice is being heard – but we need you to keep encouraging your Congressional officials to support this modernization of the predicate date that is included in the House version of the budget.

Please TAKE ACTION and visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now. Let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to Email

Thank you for your continued support!

Posted 02.02.18 IN – Lafayette – Stop an indoor vaping ban!

Posted 1.30.18 Thank you for the Alert @beerdog123 on IG WA – Stop vaping taxes!

Posted 1.22.18 UT – Stop an outrageous tax on vaping!

Posted 1/19/18 AK – Keep Vaping OUT of Smoking Laws! (SB 63)

Posted 1.12.18 VapeWarriors and Vape Shop Owners: Download your Stop The Vape Ban Posters here

Posted 1/4/18

IQOS: Tobacco seeks to simulate the winning vape industry with it’s own alternative. Although better than traditional cigs, it’s still smoking whatever BIG Tobacco wants you to inhale. Vape e-liquid contains no deadly tar. Tobacco does. Plus, the trust of what you are inhaling is on Big Tobacco’s hands to do their worst. Such as the 900+ chemicals included with the tobacco in cigarettes. Now in a vaping device such as used for MMJ, BIG Tobacco can attempt to create the illusion of a healthier alternative. We can only hope this format of IQOS does not fool some into continuing the deadly tobacco habit. In worse case, reverting vapers back to Big Tobacco dollars. Truly a genius move by RJ Reynolds and all in Big Tobacco. VapeWarriors are a smarter bunch, yet need to heed the warning to family and friends. IQOS is still smoking BIG TOBACCO unknown fillers not VAPING a clean e-liquid.



The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and we are growing daily. We are a consumer organization, not a trade association. We are dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.

The timeline includes links to articles, patents, court decisions, and many other resources to give a comprehensive history of this revolutionary alternative to combustible tobacco.

Vapor Calls To Action

JOIN CASAA. By joining CASAA, you will become plugged into an advocacy network.

AUG2018 Vapor Calls To Action

Advocate Tee

AUG2018 Vapor Calls To Action

All CTA posted by date below

We hope you find this page helpful. Please let us know. We welcome feedback on CTA and/or VapeSling® products. Reach us anytime on the contact page or [email protected], or [email protected].

Also, please Reach out to your state or local area Reps is asking your for HR1136 support. Unite to fight for our right to VAPE!

Write, call or both to your lawmakers

Here are some materials you can share on social media and as flyers around town.

VSLLC /VapersArmy Daily Updates

VSLLC conducts daily research for new CTA’s (Calls to Action) to publish and alert the community.

On occasion, one of the esteemed #2018VapeFight .org’s may publish a CTA later in the day. It may pass us till the next day. Help this page—> ON IG, we have received several CTA Alerts from concerned Vapers (#VapeWarriors). We appreciate this and please continue or join in this practice. We will publish your handle when you tag us for the alert. Thank you VapersArmy!

The Vape Community is family…being part of a family means doing your part. Please advocate for Vapor as Harm reduction for you and future vapers.

  • Posted 8/23/18 Click Here—>Petition against S3319 Flavor Ban. Takes seconds to do your part for Vapor Flavors. S3319 seeks to ban all flavored Vapor excluding tobacco and menthol. Fight for your yummy vapor flavors now. Thanks goes to IG @quickshotcompcoils for the heads up.
  • Posted 8/18/18

Link to download sign—> “Quit with Flavor”. Thank you to @jenbergercoleman of IG for the Campaign start. NotBlowingSmoke.org has provided a link to download the “Quit on Flavor” sign to be used for this social media campaign. Contact @jenbergercoleman on IG with your posting. Please join us and do your part and  raise awareness of vape flavors important role. The posts will be shared with the Senate, Congress, President and FDA.

Posted 8/9/18

MN – Otter Tail County – Stop Tobacco AND Vapor 21

Posted 8/6/18

Posted 7/21/18 (Thank you @luv2vape on IG for the alert)

Posted 06.22.18

Today, the Vapor Technology Association (VTA) & Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association (CASAA) announced a nationwide campaign to submit Declarations to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). These will be submitted regarding the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the regulation of flavors in tobacco products.

Follow this link – actnow.io/saveflavors – to learn more and submit your sworn declaration to FDA today.

Posted 6/25/18

Posted 06.16.18

Posted 06.02.18

NY – Stop a Flavor Ban before it Starts!

Posted 05.31.18


Posted 05.23.18

VT – Help stop a tax on vaping!

Posted 05.17.18

IL – Three bills would deny adult access to life-saving vapor products!

Posted 05.14.18 Thanks to IG’s @hell_wolfie for the alert.

VT – Help stop a tax on vaping!

Posted 05.10.18


Posted 05.04.18

The FDA is Coming – Vapor Business

Posted 05.0.18 —>Thank you @afcarmona & @jenbergercoleman from IG. Also Les Leung for the alert

Last day May 1st: A Survey just for Users of Vapor Products.

This study is performed for research purposes only, with the purpose of publishing the findings in scientific journals, presenting them in conferences and informing FDA regulators. Your replies will be used solely for the stated purpose and for no other study for which you have not previously been informed and give your consent.

Posted 04.24.18

NJ – Gov. Murphy is proposing a MASSIVE tax on vaping starting in FY 2019

Posted 04.20.18

MN – Stop an outrageous tax hike on vaping!

Posted 04.13.18

CASAA notice on FDA (ANPRM) Vapor Flavors. Click here to learn more plus take action.

Posted 04.09.18

FL – Stop an Anti-Vaping amendment in the state’s constitution!

Posted 04.03.18 —>Thank you @afcarmona & @jenbergercoleman from IG for the alert

A Survey just for Users of Vapor Products.

This study is performed for research purposes only, with the purpose of publishing the findings in scientific journals, presenting them in conferences and informing regulators. Your replies will be used solely for the stated purpose and for no other study for which you have not previously been informed and give your consent.

Posted 4/2/18

Posted 03.21.18 –>Thanks to @jenbergercoleman & @a.billion.vapers for the Heads Up!


Posted 03.12.18

MN – St. Peter – Stop tobacco AND vapor 21!

Posted 03.6.18

There is a deadline in Congress that is quickly approaching! A federal spending bill is being discussed NOW that could also include language that protects your right to vape and tightens restrictions on youth access! But to make sure the language stays in the spending bill, you should act now and spread the word!

We need to make sure that the final appropriations bill in the Senate has the “Cole-Bishop provision” that the House of Representatives has in its version of the bill. This crucial provision protects your right to vape, keeps your favorite products on the shelves, AND includes common-sense regulations that restrict underage access to vapor products.

Even if you have already reached out to your Members of Congress to Stop the Vape Ban, it is imperative that you reinforce your previous message! They need to hear YOUR story.

Visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now and let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to EmailThank you for your continued support!

Stop the Vape Ban



The word around Capitol Hill is that this week is the final week for lawmakers to make their decisions on final language for the US budget appropriations bill. We have until Friday, March 9th to urge officials to support a predicate date change for vapor products (section 753).

We need your help in humanizing the tobacco harm reduction movement and your story is central to this effort.

Please visit August8th.org and click on the phone icon.

Click on “Call Me” and we’ll connect you with your senators.

Points to discuss on your call with your senators:

  1. Briefly, share your story about how switching to vaping has helped you.
  2. Politely tell staff that you would like your senator to support modernizing the predicate date for vapor products.
  3. Make sure you thank staff for taking the time to listen to your comments.

If you get a recording, please leave a message.

Also remember to follow up with an email and a tweet. Just like making a call, we’ll connect you at August8th.org.

Thank you for your participation and support,

Alex Clark


Posted 03.5.18

IL – Bolingbrook – Stop Tobacco and Vapor 21!

Posted 03.2.18


Misinformation on vapor use and marketing to youths, is everywhere.

Your concerns should be your lawmakers concerns. TAKE ACTION NOW: CLICK HERE TO SEND THAT MESSAGE!

For Details, please click here.

Posted 02.19.18


Posted 02.15.18


Posted 02.08.18

Your support is making a difference, and your voice is being heard – but we need you to keep encouraging your Congressional officials to support this modernization of the predicate date that is included in the House version of the budget.

Please TAKE ACTION and visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now. Let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to Email

Thank you for your continued support!

Posted 02.02.18 IN – Lafayette – Stop an indoor vaping ban!

Posted 1.30.18 Thank you for the Alert @beerdog123 on IG WA – Stop vaping taxes!

Posted 1.22.18 UT – Stop an outrageous tax on vaping!

Posted 1/19/18 AK – Keep Vaping OUT of Smoking Laws! (SB 63)

Posted 1.12.18 VapeWarriors and Vape Shop Owners: Download your Stop The Vape Ban Posters here

Posted 1/4/18

IQOS: Tobacco seeks to simulate the winning vape industry with it’s own alternative. Although better than traditional cigs, it’s still smoking whatever BIG Tobacco wants you to inhale. Vape e-liquid contains no deadly tar. Tobacco does. Plus, the trust of what you are inhaling is on Big Tobacco’s hands to do their worst. Such as the 900+ chemicals included with the tobacco in cigarettes. Now in a vaping device such as used for MMJ, BIG Tobacco can attempt to create the illusion of a healthier alternative. We can only hope this format of IQOS does not fool some into continuing the deadly tobacco habit. In worse case, reverting vapers back to Big Tobacco dollars. Truly a genius move by RJ Reynolds and all in Big Tobacco. VapeWarriors are a smarter bunch, yet need to heed the warning to family and friends. IQOS is still smoking BIG TOBACCO unknown fillers not VAPING a clean e-liquid.



The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and we are growing daily. We are a consumer organization, not a trade association. We are dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.

The timeline includes links to articles, patents, court decisions, and many other resources to give a comprehensive history of this revolutionary alternative to combustible tobacco.

Vapor Calls To Action

JOIN CASAA. By joining CASAA, you will become plugged into an advocacy network.

JULY2018 Vapor Calls To Action

JULY2018 Vapor Calls To Action

All CTA posted by date below

We hope you find this page helpful. Please let us know. We welcome feedback on CTA and/or VapeSling® products.

Reach us anytime on the contact page or [email protected], or [email protected].

Also, Reach out to your state or local area Reps is asking your for HR1136 support. Unite to fight for our right to VAPE!

Write, call or both to your lawmakers

Here are some materials you can share on social media and as flyers around town.

VSLLC /VapersArmy Daily Updates

VSLLC conducts daily research for new CTA’s (Calls to Action) to publish and alert the community.

On occasion, one of the esteemed #2018VapeFight .org’s may publish a CTA later in the day. It may pass us till the next day. Help this page—> ON IG, we have received several CTA Alerts from concerned Vapers (#VapeWarriors). We appreciate this and please continue or join in this practice. We will publish your handle when you tag us for the alert. Thank you VapersArmy!

The Vape Community is family…being part of a family means doing your part. Please advocate for Vapor as Harm reduction for you and future vapers.

Posted 7/21/18 (Thank you @luv2vape on IG for the alert)

Posted 06.22.18

Today, the Vapor Technology Association (VTA) & Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association (CASAA) announced a nationwide campaign to submit Declarations to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). These will be submitted regarding the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the regulation of flavors in tobacco products.

Follow this link – actnow.io/saveflavors – to learn more and submit your sworn declaration to FDA today.

Posted 6/25/18

Posted 06.16.18

Posted 06.02.18

NY – Stop a Flavor Ban before it Starts!

Posted 05.31.18


Posted 05.23.18

VT – Help stop a tax on vaping!

Posted 05.17.18

IL – Three bills would deny adult access to life-saving vapor products!

Posted 05.14.18 Thanks to IG’s @hell_wolfie for the alert.

VT – Help stop a tax on vaping!

Posted 05.10.18


Posted 05.04.18

The FDA is Coming – Vapor Business

Posted 05.0.18 —>Thank you @afcarmona & @jenbergercoleman from IG. Also Les Leung for the alert

Last day May 1st: A Survey just for Users of Vapor Products.

This study is performed for research purposes only, with the purpose of publishing the findings in scientific journals, presenting them in conferences and informing FDA regulators. Your replies will be used solely for the stated purpose and for no other study for which you have not previously been informed and give your consent.

Posted 04.24.18

NJ – Gov. Murphy is proposing a MASSIVE tax on vaping starting in FY 2019

Posted 04.20.18

MN – Stop an outrageous tax hike on vaping!

Posted 04.13.18

CASAA notice on FDA (ANPRM) Vapor Flavors. Click here to learn more plus take action.

Posted 04.09.18

FL – Stop an Anti-Vaping amendment in the state’s constitution!

Posted 04.03.18 —>Thank you @afcarmona & @jenbergercoleman from IG for the alert

A Survey just for Users of Vapor Products.

This study is performed for research purposes only, with the purpose of publishing the findings in scientific journals, presenting them in conferences and informing regulators. Your replies will be used solely for the stated purpose and for no other study for which you have not previously been informed and give your consent.

Posted 4/2/18

Posted 03.21.18 –>Thanks to @jenbergercoleman & @a.billion.vapers for the Heads Up!


Posted 03.12.18

MN – St. Peter – Stop tobacco AND vapor 21!

Posted 03.6.18

There is a deadline in Congress that is quickly approaching! A federal spending bill is being discussed NOW that could also include language that protects your right to vape and tightens restrictions on youth access! But to make sure the language stays in the spending bill, you should act now and spread the word!

We need to make sure that the final appropriations bill in the Senate has the “Cole-Bishop provision” that the House of Representatives has in its version of the bill. This crucial provision protects your right to vape, keeps your favorite products on the shelves, AND includes common-sense regulations that restrict underage access to vapor products.

Even if you have already reached out to your Members of Congress to Stop the Vape Ban, it is imperative that you reinforce your previous message! They need to hear YOUR story.

Visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now and let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to EmailThank you for your continued support!

Stop the Vape Ban



The word around Capitol Hill is that this week is the final week for lawmakers to make their decisions on final language for the US budget appropriations bill. We have until Friday, March 9th to urge officials to support a predicate date change for vapor products (section 753).

We need your help in humanizing the tobacco harm reduction movement and your story is central to this effort.

Please visit August8th.org and click on the phone icon.

Click on “Call Me” and we’ll connect you with your senators.

Points to discuss on your call with your senators:

  1. Briefly, share your story about how switching to vaping has helped you.
  2. Politely tell staff that you would like your senator to support modernizing the predicate date for vapor products.
  3. Make sure you thank staff for taking the time to listen to your comments.

If you get a recording, please leave a message.

Also remember to follow up with an email and a tweet. Just like making a call, we’ll connect you at August8th.org.

Thank you for your participation and support,

Alex Clark


Posted 03.5.18

IL – Bolingbrook – Stop Tobacco and Vapor 21!

Posted 03.2.18


Misinformation on vapor use and marketing to youths, is everywhere.

Your concerns should be your lawmakers concerns. TAKE ACTION NOW: CLICK HERE TO SEND THAT MESSAGE!

For Details, please click here.

Posted 02.19.18


Posted 02.15.18


Posted 02.08.18

Your support is making a difference, and your voice is being heard – but we need you to keep encouraging your Congressional officials to support this modernization of the predicate date that is included in the House version of the budget.

Please TAKE ACTION and visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now. Let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to Email

Thank you for your continued support!

Posted 02.02.18 IN – Lafayette – Stop an indoor vaping ban!

Posted 1.30.18 Thank you for the Alert @beerdog123 on IG WA – Stop vaping taxes!

Posted 1.22.18 UT – Stop an outrageous tax on vaping!

Posted 1/19/18 AK – Keep Vaping OUT of Smoking Laws! (SB 63)

Posted 1.12.18 VapeWarriors and Vape Shop Owners: Download your Stop The Vape Ban Posters here

Posted 1/4/18

IQOS: Tobacco seeks to simulate the winning vape industry with it’s own alternative. Although better than traditional cigs, it’s still smoking whatever BIG Tobacco wants you to inhale. Vape e-liquid contains no deadly tar. Tobacco does. Plus, the trust of what you are inhaling is on Big Tobacco’s hands to do their worst. Such as the 900+ chemicals included with the tobacco in cigarettes. Now in a vaping device such as used for MMJ, BIG Tobacco can attempt to create the illusion of a healthier alternative. We can only hope this format of IQOS does not fool some into continuing the deadly tobacco habit. In worse case, reverting vapers back to Big Tobacco dollars. Truly a genius move by RJ Reynolds and all in Big Tobacco. VapeWarriors are a smarter bunch, yet need to heed the warning to family and friends. IQOS is still smoking BIG TOBACCO unknown fillers not VAPING a clean e-liquid.



The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and we are growing daily. We are a consumer organization, not a trade association. We are dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.

The timeline includes links to articles, patents, court decisions, and many other resources to give a comprehensive history of this revolutionary alternative to combustible tobacco.

Vapor Calls To Action

JOIN CASAA. By joining CASAA, you will become plugged into an advocacy network.

The FDA is Coming – Vapor Business


The FDA is Coming – Vapor Business

The FDA is Coming – Vapor Business Watch the SFATA Recorded Video Webinar here

Please skip to the 9 minute marker, while waiting for attendees

SFATA The FDA is Coming
The Webinar provides Comprehensive guidance for retail and manufacturing compliance regarding FDA regulations and inspections. Extremely important information for all in the Vapor industry. Also an interesting watch for vapers and what to expect at your Vape Stores/online sales.

Shared by VapeSling LLC/VapersArmy for all VapeWarriors to Learn, Educate and Activate

VapeSling® 2018

APRIL2018 Vapor Calls To Action


APRIL2018 Vapor Calls To Action

We hope you find this page helpful. Please let us know. We welcome feedback on CTA and/or VapeSling® products.

Reach us anytime on the contact page or [email protected], or [email protected].

The most vital 2018 Vapor Call to Action is this Extremely Important CTA–>Be heard on a possible FDA Flavor Ban: Submit a Comment to the Federal Register on E-liquid Flavors.

Also, Reach your state or local area Reps is asking your for HR1136 support. Unite to fight for our right to VAPE!

Write, call or both to your lawmakers

2018 FDA Flavor Ban

Here are some materials you can share on social media and as flyers around town.

  • Download this image to share on social media (click here)
  • Download and print this flyer for shops and public bulletin boards (click here)

In addition to participating in Dr. Farsalinos’s survey, please also take some time to share your personal experience on Regulations .gov. (You may submit as many comments as you wish.)

VSLLC /VapersArmy updates this page daily.

VSLLC conducts daily research for new CTA’s (Calls to Action) to publish and alert the community.

On occasion, one of the esteemed #2018VapeFight .org’s may publish a CTA later in the day. It may pass us till the next day. Help this page—> ON IG, we have received several CTA Alerts from concerned Vapers (#VapeWarriors). We appreciate this and please continue or join in this practice. We will publish your handle when you tag us for the alert. Thank you VapersArmy!

The Vape Community is family…being part of a family means doing your part. Please advocate for Vapor as Harm reduction for you and future vapers.

Posted 04.24.18

NJ – Gov. Murphy is proposing a MASSIVE tax on vaping starting in FY 2019

Posted 04.20.18

MN – Stop an outrageous tax hike on vaping!

Posted 04.13.18

CASAA notice on FDA (ANPRM) Vapor Flavors. Click here to learn more plus take action.

Posted 04.09.18

FL – Stop an Anti-Vaping amendment in the state’s constitution!

Posted 04.03.18 —>Thank you @afcarmona & @jenbergercoleman from IG for the alert

A Survey just for Users of Vapor Products.

This study is performed for research purposes only, with the purpose of publishing the findings in scientific journals, presenting them in conferences and informing regulators. Your replies will be used solely for the stated purpose and for no other study for which you have not previously been informed and give your consent.

Posted 4/2/18

Posted 03.21.18 –>Thanks to @jenbergercoleman & @a.billion.vapers for the Heads Up!


Posted 03.12.18

MN – St. Peter – Stop tobacco AND vapor 21!

Posted 03.6.18

There is a deadline in Congress that is quickly approaching! A federal spending bill is being discussed NOW that could also include language that protects your right to vape and tightens restrictions on youth access! But to make sure the language stays in the spending bill, you should act now and spread the word!

We need to make sure that the final appropriations bill in the Senate has the “Cole-Bishop provision” that the House of Representatives has in its version of the bill. This crucial provision protects your right to vape, keeps your favorite products on the shelves, AND includes common-sense regulations that restrict underage access to vapor products.

Even if you have already reached out to your Members of Congress to Stop the Vape Ban, it is imperative that you reinforce your previous message! They need to hear YOUR story.

Visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now and let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to EmailThank you for your continued support!

Stop the Vape Ban



The word around Capitol Hill is that this week is the final week for lawmakers to make their decisions on final language for the US budget appropriations bill. We have until Friday, March 9th to urge officials to support a predicate date change for vapor products (section 753).

We need your help in humanizing the tobacco harm reduction movement and your story is central to this effort.

Please visit August8th.org and click on the phone icon.

Click on “Call Me” and we’ll connect you with your senators.

Points to discuss on your call with your senators:

  1. Briefly, share your story about how switching to vaping has helped you.
  2. Politely tell staff that you would like your senator to support modernizing the predicate date for vapor products.
  3. Make sure you thank staff for taking the time to listen to your comments.

If you get a recording, please leave a message.

Also remember to follow up with an email and a tweet. Just like making a call, we’ll connect you at August8th.org.

Thank you for your participation and support,

Alex Clark


Posted 03.5.18

IL – Bolingbrook – Stop Tobacco and Vapor 21!

Posted 03.2.18


Misinformation on vapor use and marketing to youths, is everywhere.

Your concerns should be your lawmakers concerns. TAKE ACTION NOW: CLICK HERE TO SEND THAT MESSAGE!

For Details, please click here.

Posted 02.19.18


Posted 02.15.18


Posted 02.08.18

Your support is making a difference, and your voice is being heard – but we need you to keep encouraging your Congressional officials to support this modernization of the predicate date that is included in the House version of the budget.

Please TAKE ACTION and visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now. Let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to Email

Thank you for your continued support!

Posted 02.02.18 IN – Lafayette – Stop an indoor vaping ban!

Posted 1.30.18 Thank you for the Alert @beerdog123 on IG WA – Stop vaping taxes!

Posted 1.22.18 UT – Stop an outrageous tax on vaping!

Posted 1/19/18 AK – Keep Vaping OUT of Smoking Laws! (SB 63)

Posted 1.12.18 VapeWarriors and Vape Shop Owners: Download your Stop The Vape Ban Posters here

Posted 1/4/18

IQOS: Tobacco seeks to simulate the winning vape industry with it’s own alternative. Although better than traditional cigs, it’s still smoking whatever BIG Tobacco wants you to inhale. Vape e-liquid contains no deadly tar. Tobacco does. Plus, the trust of what you are inhaling is on Big Tobacco’s hands to do their worst. Such as the 900+ chemicals included with the tobacco in cigarettes. Now in a vaping device such as used for MMJ, BIG Tobacco can attempt to create the illusion of a healthier alternative. We can only hope this format of IQOS does not fool some into continuing the deadly tobacco habit. In worse case, reverting vapers back to Big Tobacco dollars. Truly a genius move by RJ Reynolds and all in Big Tobacco. VapeWarriors are a smarter bunch, yet need to heed the warning to family and friends. IQOS is still smoking BIG TOBACCO unknown fillers not VAPING a clean e-liquid.



Posted 12/21/17


Take Action – Send a Message

Today, Congress will consider a continuing resolution (CR) that will fund the US government through January 19, 2018. Although this CR will not contain changes to the appropriations language that addresses vapor products regulation, it is an important opportunity to send a message to Congress that we are still here and that predicate date change language must be included in the 2018 budget.

Sending this message to Congress is even more important now in the wake of rogue efforts by some in the industry who don’t understand the need to modernize the 2007 predicate date. Their fundamental misunderstanding of the Cole-Bishop language in the appropriations bill (Sec. 753) is creating confusion among our supporters and eroding relationships that have taken years to build.

Help us show Congress that we are unified in our support for changing the predicate date to August 8th, 2016 and that we are in favor of reasonable regulation that preserves consumer choice.

Take Action – Send a Message

Thank you & Happy Holidays!

CASAA Legislative Team

Posted 12.11.17



Today, leaders of the vapor community came together to present a unified front on the next steps for moving our agenda forward in Washington, D.C.  The Unity Letter, signed by the leaders of the American Vaping Association, the Consumers for Smoke-free Alternatives Association, the Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association and the Vapor Technology Association asks every member of the vapor industry and broader community to get ready to act!

“December 11, 2017

Dear Members of the Vapor Community:

We write you today as a united front because the vapor industry is under attack and the future remains uncertain. We are all focused on the critical mission of making sure that Americans will continue to have access to the full range of vapor products that millions are using to quit smoking and improve our lives. We need your help to achieve this mission. 

We all agree that there are short term and long term policy changes that must be made to ensure a robust vapor product industry in this country, but we are focused today on a near term step – Changing the “Predicate Date” in Congress – which will allow all products on the market before 8/8/2016 to stay on the market and remain available to consumers. 

The US House of Representatives has passed an appropriations bill which contains language that would modernize the 2007 predicate date for products newly deemed to be tobacco. But the Senate has not included similar language in its version of the bill. These two conflicting pieces of legislation will be negotiated in Congress in the near future, and we are going to need EVERYONE to weigh in!

In the coming days and weeks, we will be reaching out to our respective members with additional opportunities and guidance on how you can engage with your two Senators and your Representative and urge them to modernize the predicate date for vapor products. We hope that when we call on you, you will take a few minutes to ACT to save the vapor industry.

Thank you!”


Posted – 07.07.17 Alerted by @afcarmona

FDA – Comment NOW on proposed–unrealistic–standard for smokeless tobacco

Posted – 07.05.17

Opportunities to Take Action!

Posted 5/26/17

Delay the FDA – Comment on the Citizen Petition today!

A Citizen Petition has been submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that the agency issue “final guidance or regulations describing the recommended or required contents of premarket submissions…” In addition to requesting this final guidance, petitioners (NJOY et. al.) are requesting that the compliance period be extended by 24 months from the time the guidance is published. …

Delay the FDA – Comment on the Citizen Petition today!

Posted 4/16/17

Posted 4/12/17

Fire The U.S. Surgeon General. Unacceptable Anti-Vapor Propaganda Video

Urge your representative to co-sponsor HR 1136! Click Here

NEW congressional BILL: H.R.1136 – To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide for a certain effective date with respect to deemed tobacco products, to provide for the establishment of product standards for vapor product batteries, to provide for regulation of vapor products, and for other purposes.

Write or call to Ask your state lawmakers to support this bill

Cole/Bishop bill in it’s entirety


Older but current posts

Answer Ron Johnson


  (Please note: if you live outside of Wisconsin, please follow the directions below to print and send your letter.) Senator Ron Johnson (WI) is taking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to task over the impact of the “deeming rule” on small to medium vapor businesses across the country. Sen. Johnson, Chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental …

Read More »


The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and we are growing daily. We are a consumer organization, not a trade association. We are dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.

The timeline includes links to articles, patents, court decisions, and many other resources to give a comprehensive history of this revolutionary alternative to combustible tobacco.

Vapor Calls To Action

JOIN CASAA. By joining CASAA, you will become plugged into an advocacy network.

New Film Released by Aaron Biebert of AbillionLivesFilm

New Film Released by Aaron Biebert of AbillionLivesFilm
New Film Released Today!
Click above to watch our new film

One of my big regrets while making A Billion Lives was that we did not interview many smokers. Just like many people in the field of tobacco control, I was a non-smoker who tried to help smokers I didn’t understand.

I’m thankful for what happened with the A Billion Lives movement (thanks for joining it), but there is still so much work to be done. I was naive about how simple it would be to help the situation.

Today in front of a group of global philanthropists, entrepreneurs, and the media, we just had a private premiere of my new short film “Global Confusion” in Washington D.C.

This email is the public premiere. It is now free to the public:

Facebook (Please share/like/comment)
YouTube (Please share/embed on your website)
Twitter (Please retweet)

Thanks to the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, we were able to travel to 13 countries and speak with the actual people we’re trying to help.
It was eye opening.
In addition, I also shot a series of portraits around the world with those I interviewed. You can see my photography work and look at the ground-breaking new polling data that was released today in conjuction with our new film on SmokeFreeWorld.org.
Let me know what you think!
Talk soon,






The time to act is now.  The bi-partisan Cole-Bishop Amendment in Congress has passed the House as Section 753 of the House Agriculture Appropriations bill.  This language that VTA and the rest of the vapor industry have been fighting for will save vapor products for adults by ensuring that they are not wiped out of the market.

Right now, Congressional leaders are discussing the full scope of FY2018 Appropriations bills that will be agreed upon by the House and Senate and whether Section 753 will be in the final package.

Given all the attention being paid to the issue of minors getting access to vapor products, this is the perfect time for our industry to demand passage of the Cole-Bishop Amendment which will ensure that vapor products remain available to adult smokers desperately trying to quit and which also will take concrete steps to protect youth.

But, unless they hear from everyone NOW they may not even know that they have the chance to protect teens with the common-sense changes that are designed to limit teen exposure to marketing and keep vapor products away from them. For example, the amendment:

  • Bans print advertising in all but adult-only publications;
  • Bans self-service displays in stores;
  • Bans sales of e-cigarettes in vending machines; and
  • Bans sales of e-cigarettes in kiosks.

In addition, the bill requires FDA to start a rulemaking process on characterizing flavors at some point in the next 12 months, and it also requires labels to boldly warn “Keep Out of Reach of Children” and “Underage Sale is Prohibited” and to state accurate nicotine content.

So, the question for your Senators and Representatives is: “Why wouldn’t you pass these common-sense restrictions that will protect minors in all 50 states!”

Our industry works hard to prevent minors from accessing our products.  Now, we need Congress to work as hard as you are!


Our system allows you to e-mail your representatives, tag them on Facebook and Twitter, or get a call patched-through for you to their office.  You can do one or all of them.  The key is to get your voice heard!

Let them hear why it is so important to save vapor and protect youth by passing the bi-partisan Cole-Bishop Amendment!

Thank you!

Tony Abboud
Executive Director
Vapor Technology Association


MAR2018 Vapor Calls To Action


MAR2018 Vapor Calls To Action

We hope you find this page helpful. Please let us know. We welcome feedback on CTA and/or VapeSling® products. Reach us anytime on the contact page or [email protected], or [email protected].

The most vital 2018 Vapor Call to Action for your state or local area is asking your Reps for HR1136 support. Unite to fight for our right to VAPE! Write, call or both to your lawmakers :

congress.gov/members: Contact your state representatives in Congress

House Reps by State:  Contact your state representatives in the Senate

HR1136 in PDF

VapeWarriors and Vape Shop Owners: Download your Stop The Vape Ban Posters here

VSLLC /VapersArmy updates this page daily.


VSLLC conducts daily research for new CTA’s (Calls to Action) every morning.

On occasion, one of the esteemed #2017VapeFight .org’s may publish a CTA later in the day. It may pass us till the next day. Help this page—> ON IG, we have received several CTA Alerts in the past from concerned Vapers (#VapeWarriors). We appreciate this and please continue or join in this practice. We will publish your handle when you tag us for the alert. Thank you VapersArmy!

 Although, most of these CTA do not pertain to VapeSling® products directly, they do affect our #VapeCommunity success. The Vape Community is family…being part of a family means doing your part. Please advocate for Vapor as Harm reduction for you and future vapers.

Posted 4/2/18



Posted 03.21.18 –>Thanks to @jenbergercoleman & @a.billion.vapers for the Heads Up!


Posted 03.12.18

MN – St. Peter – Stop tobacco AND vapor 21!

Posted 03.6.18

There is a deadline in Congress that is quickly approaching! A federal spending bill is being discussed NOW that could also include language that protects your right to vape and tightens restrictions on youth access! But to make sure the language stays in the spending bill, you should act now and spread the word!

We need to make sure that the final appropriations bill in the Senate has the “Cole-Bishop provision” that the House of Representatives has in its version of the bill. This crucial provision protects your right to vape, keeps your favorite products on the shelves, AND includes common-sense regulations that restrict underage access to vapor products.

Even if you have already reached out to your Members of Congress to Stop the Vape Ban, it is imperative that you reinforce your previous message! They need to hear YOUR story.

Visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now and let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to EmailThank you for your continued support!

Stop the Vape Ban



The word around Capitol Hill is that this week is the final week for lawmakers to make their decisions on final language for the US budget appropriations bill. We have until Friday, March 9th to urge officials to support a predicate date change for vapor products (section 753).

We need your help in humanizing the tobacco harm reduction movement and your story is central to this effort.

Please visit August8th.org and click on the phone icon.

Click on “Call Me” and we’ll connect you with your senators.

Points to discuss on your call with your senators:

  1. Briefly, share your story about how switching to vaping has helped you.
  2. Politely tell staff that you would like your senator to support modernizing the predicate date for vapor products.
  3. Make sure you thank staff for taking the time to listen to your comments.

If you get a recording, please leave a message.

Also remember to follow up with an email and a tweet. Just like making a call, we’ll connect you at August8th.org.

Thank you for your participation and support,

Alex Clark


Posted 03.5.18

IL – Bolingbrook – Stop Tobacco and Vapor 21!

Posted 03.2.18


Misinformation on vapor use and marketing to youths, is everywhere.

Your concerns should be your lawmakers concerns. TAKE ACTION NOW: CLICK HERE TO SEND THAT MESSAGE! 

For Details, please click here.

Posted 02.19.18


Posted 02.15.18


Posted 02.08.18

Your support is making a difference, and your voice is being heard – but we need you to keep encouraging your Congressional officials to support this modernization of the predicate date that is included in the House version of the budget.

Please TAKE ACTION and visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now. Let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to Email

Thank you for your continued support!

Posted 02.02.18 IN – Lafayette – Stop an indoor vaping ban!

Posted 1.30.18 Thank you for the Alert @beerdog123 on IG WA – Stop vaping taxes!

Posted 1.22.18 UT – Stop an outrageous tax on vaping!

Posted 1/19/18 AK – Keep Vaping OUT of Smoking Laws! (SB 63)

Posted 1.12.18 VapeWarriors and Vape Shop Owners: Download your Stop The Vape Ban Posters here

Posted 1/4/18

IQOS: Tobacco seeks to simulate the winning vape industry with it’s own alternative. Although better than traditional cigs, it’s still smoking whatever BIG Tobacco wants you to inhale. Vape e-liquid contains no deadly tar. Tobacco does. Plus, the trust of what you are inhaling is on Big Tobacco’s hands to do their worst. Such as the 900+ chemicals included with the tobacco in cigarettes. Now in a vaping device such as used for MMJ, BIG Tobacco can attempt to create the illusion of a healthier alternative. We can only hope this format of IQOS does not fool some into continuing the deadly tobacco habit. In worse case, reverting vapers back to Big Tobacco dollars. Truly a genius move by RJ Reynolds and all in Big Tobacco. VapeWarriors are a smarter bunch, yet need to heed the warning to family and friends. IQOS is still smoking BIG TOBACCO unknown fillers not VAPING a clean e-liquid.



Posted 12/21/17


Take Action – Send a Message

Today, Congress will consider a continuing resolution (CR) that will fund the US government through January 19, 2018. Although this CR will not contain changes to the appropriations language that addresses vapor products regulation, it is an important opportunity to send a message to Congress that we are still here and that predicate date change language must be included in the 2018 budget.

Sending this message to Congress is even more important now in the wake of rogue efforts by some in the industry who don’t understand the need to modernize the 2007 predicate date. Their fundamental misunderstanding of the Cole-Bishop language in the appropriations bill (Sec. 753) is creating confusion among our supporters and eroding relationships that have taken years to build.

Help us show Congress that we are unified in our support for changing the predicate date to August 8th, 2016 and that we are in favor of reasonable regulation that preserves consumer choice.

Take Action – Send a Message

Thank you & Happy Holidays!

CASAA Legislative Team

Posted 12.11.17



Today, leaders of the vapor community came together to present a unified front on the next steps for moving our agenda forward in Washington, D.C.  The Unity Letter, signed by the leaders of the American Vaping Association, the Consumers for Smoke-free Alternatives Association, the Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association and the Vapor Technology Association asks every member of the vapor industry and broader community to get ready to act!

“December 11, 2017

Dear Members of the Vapor Community:

We write you today as a united front because the vapor industry is under attack and the future remains uncertain. We are all focused on the critical mission of making sure that Americans will continue to have access to the full range of vapor products that millions are using to quit smoking and improve our lives. We need your help to achieve this mission. 

We all agree that there are short term and long term policy changes that must be made to ensure a robust vapor product industry in this country, but we are focused today on a near term step – Changing the “Predicate Date” in Congress – which will allow all products on the market before 8/8/2016 to stay on the market and remain available to consumers. 

The US House of Representatives has passed an appropriations bill which contains language that would modernize the 2007 predicate date for products newly deemed to be tobacco. But the Senate has not included similar language in its version of the bill. These two conflicting pieces of legislation will be negotiated in Congress in the near future, and we are going to need EVERYONE to weigh in!

In the coming days and weeks, we will be reaching out to our respective members with additional opportunities and guidance on how you can engage with your two Senators and your Representative and urge them to modernize the predicate date for vapor products. We hope that when we call on you, you will take a few minutes to ACT to save the vapor industry.

Thank you!”


Posted – 07.07.17 Alerted by @afcarmona

FDA – Comment NOW on proposed–unrealistic–standard for smokeless tobacco

Posted – 07.05.17

Opportunities to Take Action!

Posted 5/26/17

Delay the FDA – Comment on the Citizen Petition today!

A Citizen Petition has been submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that the agency issue “final guidance or regulations describing the recommended or required contents of premarket submissions…” In addition to requesting this final guidance, petitioners (NJOY et. al.) are requesting that the compliance period be extended by 24 months from the time the guidance is published. …

Delay the FDA – Comment on the Citizen Petition today!

Posted 4/16/17

Posted 4/12/17

Fire The U.S. Surgeon General. Unacceptable Anti-Vapor Propaganda Video

Urge your representative to co-sponsor HR 1136! Click Here

NEW congressional BILL: H.R.1136 – To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide for a certain effective date with respect to deemed tobacco products, to provide for the establishment of product standards for vapor product batteries, to provide for regulation of vapor products, and for other purposes.

Write or call to Ask your state lawmakers to support this bill

Cole/Bishop bill in it’s entirety


Older but current posts

Answer Ron Johnson


  (Please note: if you live outside of Wisconsin, please follow the directions below to print and send your letter.) Senator Ron Johnson (WI) is taking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to task over the impact of the “deeming rule” on small to medium vapor businesses across the country. Sen. Johnson, Chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental …

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The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and we are growing daily. We are a consumer organization, not a trade association. We are dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.

The timeline includes links to articles, patents, court decisions, and many other resources to give a comprehensive history of this revolutionary alternative to combustible tobacco.

Vapor Calls To Action

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