APRIL2018 Vapor Calls To Action


APRIL2018 Vapor Calls To Action

We hope you find this page helpful. Please let us know. We welcome feedback on CTA and/or VapeSling® products.

Reach us anytime on the contact page or custinput@vapesling.com, or vapersarmy@vapesling.com.

The most vital 2018 Vapor Call to Action is this Extremely Important CTA–>Be heard on a possible FDA Flavor Ban: Submit a Comment to the Federal Register on E-liquid Flavors.

Also, Reach your state or local area Reps is asking your for HR1136 support. Unite to fight for our right to VAPE!

Write, call or both to your lawmakers

2018 FDA Flavor Ban

Here are some materials you can share on social media and as flyers around town.

  • Download this image to share on social media (click here)
  • Download and print this flyer for shops and public bulletin boards (click here)

In addition to participating in Dr. Farsalinos’s survey, please also take some time to share your personal experience on Regulations .gov. (You may submit as many comments as you wish.)

VSLLC /VapersArmy updates this page daily.

VSLLC conducts daily research for new CTA’s (Calls to Action) to publish and alert the community.

On occasion, one of the esteemed #2018VapeFight .org’s may publish a CTA later in the day. It may pass us till the next day. Help this page—> ON IG, we have received several CTA Alerts from concerned Vapers (#VapeWarriors). We appreciate this and please continue or join in this practice. We will publish your handle when you tag us for the alert. Thank you VapersArmy!

The Vape Community is family…being part of a family means doing your part. Please advocate for Vapor as Harm reduction for you and future vapers.

Posted 04.24.18

NJ – Gov. Murphy is proposing a MASSIVE tax on vaping starting in FY 2019

Posted 04.20.18

MN – Stop an outrageous tax hike on vaping!

Posted 04.13.18

CASAA notice on FDA (ANPRM) Vapor Flavors. Click here to learn more plus take action.

Posted 04.09.18

FL – Stop an Anti-Vaping amendment in the state’s constitution!

Posted 04.03.18 —>Thank you @afcarmona & @jenbergercoleman from IG for the alert

A Survey just for Users of Vapor Products.

This study is performed for research purposes only, with the purpose of publishing the findings in scientific journals, presenting them in conferences and informing regulators. Your replies will be used solely for the stated purpose and for no other study for which you have not previously been informed and give your consent.

Posted 4/2/18

Posted 03.21.18 –>Thanks to @jenbergercoleman & @a.billion.vapers for the Heads Up!


Posted 03.12.18

MN – St. Peter – Stop tobacco AND vapor 21!

Posted 03.6.18

There is a deadline in Congress that is quickly approaching! A federal spending bill is being discussed NOW that could also include language that protects your right to vape and tightens restrictions on youth access! But to make sure the language stays in the spending bill, you should act now and spread the word!

We need to make sure that the final appropriations bill in the Senate has the “Cole-Bishop provision” that the House of Representatives has in its version of the bill. This crucial provision protects your right to vape, keeps your favorite products on the shelves, AND includes common-sense regulations that restrict underage access to vapor products.

Even if you have already reached out to your Members of Congress to Stop the Vape Ban, it is imperative that you reinforce your previous message! They need to hear YOUR story.

Visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now and let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to EmailThank you for your continued support!

Stop the Vape Ban



The word around Capitol Hill is that this week is the final week for lawmakers to make their decisions on final language for the US budget appropriations bill. We have until Friday, March 9th to urge officials to support a predicate date change for vapor products (section 753).

We need your help in humanizing the tobacco harm reduction movement and your story is central to this effort.

Please visit August8th.org and click on the phone icon.

Click on “Call Me” and we’ll connect you with your senators.

Points to discuss on your call with your senators:

  1. Briefly, share your story about how switching to vaping has helped you.
  2. Politely tell staff that you would like your senator to support modernizing the predicate date for vapor products.
  3. Make sure you thank staff for taking the time to listen to your comments.

If you get a recording, please leave a message.

Also remember to follow up with an email and a tweet. Just like making a call, we’ll connect you at August8th.org.

Thank you for your participation and support,

Alex Clark


Posted 03.5.18

IL – Bolingbrook – Stop Tobacco and Vapor 21!

Posted 03.2.18


Misinformation on vapor use and marketing to youths, is everywhere.

Your concerns should be your lawmakers concerns. TAKE ACTION NOW: CLICK HERE TO SEND THAT MESSAGE!

For Details, please click here.

Posted 02.19.18


Posted 02.15.18


Posted 02.08.18

Your support is making a difference, and your voice is being heard – but we need you to keep encouraging your Congressional officials to support this modernization of the predicate date that is included in the House version of the budget.

Please TAKE ACTION and visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now. Let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to Email

Thank you for your continued support!

Posted 02.02.18 IN – Lafayette – Stop an indoor vaping ban!

Posted 1.30.18 Thank you for the Alert @beerdog123 on IG WA – Stop vaping taxes!

Posted 1.22.18 UT – Stop an outrageous tax on vaping!

Posted 1/19/18 AK – Keep Vaping OUT of Smoking Laws! (SB 63)

Posted 1.12.18 VapeWarriors and Vape Shop Owners: Download your Stop The Vape Ban Posters here

Posted 1/4/18

IQOS: Tobacco seeks to simulate the winning vape industry with it’s own alternative. Although better than traditional cigs, it’s still smoking whatever BIG Tobacco wants you to inhale. Vape e-liquid contains no deadly tar. Tobacco does. Plus, the trust of what you are inhaling is on Big Tobacco’s hands to do their worst. Such as the 900+ chemicals included with the tobacco in cigarettes. Now in a vaping device such as used for MMJ, BIG Tobacco can attempt to create the illusion of a healthier alternative. We can only hope this format of IQOS does not fool some into continuing the deadly tobacco habit. In worse case, reverting vapers back to Big Tobacco dollars. Truly a genius move by RJ Reynolds and all in Big Tobacco. VapeWarriors are a smarter bunch, yet need to heed the warning to family and friends. IQOS is still smoking BIG TOBACCO unknown fillers not VAPING a clean e-liquid.



Posted 12/21/17


Take Action – Send a Message

Today, Congress will consider a continuing resolution (CR) that will fund the US government through January 19, 2018. Although this CR will not contain changes to the appropriations language that addresses vapor products regulation, it is an important opportunity to send a message to Congress that we are still here and that predicate date change language must be included in the 2018 budget.

Sending this message to Congress is even more important now in the wake of rogue efforts by some in the industry who don’t understand the need to modernize the 2007 predicate date. Their fundamental misunderstanding of the Cole-Bishop language in the appropriations bill (Sec. 753) is creating confusion among our supporters and eroding relationships that have taken years to build.

Help us show Congress that we are unified in our support for changing the predicate date to August 8th, 2016 and that we are in favor of reasonable regulation that preserves consumer choice.

Take Action – Send a Message

Thank you & Happy Holidays!

CASAA Legislative Team

Posted 12.11.17



Today, leaders of the vapor community came together to present a unified front on the next steps for moving our agenda forward in Washington, D.C.  The Unity Letter, signed by the leaders of the American Vaping Association, the Consumers for Smoke-free Alternatives Association, the Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association and the Vapor Technology Association asks every member of the vapor industry and broader community to get ready to act!

“December 11, 2017

Dear Members of the Vapor Community:

We write you today as a united front because the vapor industry is under attack and the future remains uncertain. We are all focused on the critical mission of making sure that Americans will continue to have access to the full range of vapor products that millions are using to quit smoking and improve our lives. We need your help to achieve this mission. 

We all agree that there are short term and long term policy changes that must be made to ensure a robust vapor product industry in this country, but we are focused today on a near term step – Changing the “Predicate Date” in Congress – which will allow all products on the market before 8/8/2016 to stay on the market and remain available to consumers. 

The US House of Representatives has passed an appropriations bill which contains language that would modernize the 2007 predicate date for products newly deemed to be tobacco. But the Senate has not included similar language in its version of the bill. These two conflicting pieces of legislation will be negotiated in Congress in the near future, and we are going to need EVERYONE to weigh in!

In the coming days and weeks, we will be reaching out to our respective members with additional opportunities and guidance on how you can engage with your two Senators and your Representative and urge them to modernize the predicate date for vapor products. We hope that when we call on you, you will take a few minutes to ACT to save the vapor industry.

Thank you!”


Posted – 07.07.17 Alerted by @afcarmona

FDA – Comment NOW on proposed–unrealistic–standard for smokeless tobacco

Posted – 07.05.17

Opportunities to Take Action!

Posted 5/26/17

Delay the FDA – Comment on the Citizen Petition today!

A Citizen Petition has been submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that the agency issue “final guidance or regulations describing the recommended or required contents of premarket submissions…” In addition to requesting this final guidance, petitioners (NJOY et. al.) are requesting that the compliance period be extended by 24 months from the time the guidance is published. …

Delay the FDA – Comment on the Citizen Petition today!

Posted 4/16/17

Posted 4/12/17

Fire The U.S. Surgeon General. Unacceptable Anti-Vapor Propaganda Video

Urge your representative to co-sponsor HR 1136! Click Here

NEW congressional BILL: H.R.1136 – To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide for a certain effective date with respect to deemed tobacco products, to provide for the establishment of product standards for vapor product batteries, to provide for regulation of vapor products, and for other purposes.

Write or call to Ask your state lawmakers to support this bill

Cole/Bishop bill in it’s entirety


Older but current posts

Answer Ron Johnson


  (Please note: if you live outside of Wisconsin, please follow the directions below to print and send your letter.) Senator Ron Johnson (WI) is taking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to task over the impact of the “deeming rule” on small to medium vapor businesses across the country. Sen. Johnson, Chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental …

Read More »


The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and we are growing daily. We are a consumer organization, not a trade association. We are dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.

The timeline includes links to articles, patents, court decisions, and many other resources to give a comprehensive history of this revolutionary alternative to combustible tobacco.

Vapor Calls To Action

JOIN CASAA. By joining CASAA, you will become plugged into an advocacy network.

New Film Released by Aaron Biebert of AbillionLivesFilm

New Film Released by Aaron Biebert of AbillionLivesFilm
New Film Released Today!
Click above to watch our new film

One of my big regrets while making A Billion Lives was that we did not interview many smokers. Just like many people in the field of tobacco control, I was a non-smoker who tried to help smokers I didn’t understand.

I’m thankful for what happened with the A Billion Lives movement (thanks for joining it), but there is still so much work to be done. I was naive about how simple it would be to help the situation.

Today in front of a group of global philanthropists, entrepreneurs, and the media, we just had a private premiere of my new short film “Global Confusion” in Washington D.C.

This email is the public premiere. It is now free to the public:

Facebook (Please share/like/comment)
YouTube (Please share/embed on your website)
Twitter (Please retweet)

Thanks to the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, we were able to travel to 13 countries and speak with the actual people we’re trying to help.
It was eye opening.
In addition, I also shot a series of portraits around the world with those I interviewed. You can see my photography work and look at the ground-breaking new polling data that was released today in conjuction with our new film on SmokeFreeWorld.org.
Let me know what you think!
Talk soon,

JAN2018 Vapor Calls To Action


JAN2018 Vapor Calls To Action

Happy Holidays to all VapeSlingers and Vape community! Our last CTA page for the year 2017. We hope you have found this page helpful. Please let us know. We welcome feedback on CTA and/or VapeSling® products. Reach us anytime on the contact page or custinput@vapesling.com, or vapersarmy@vapesling.com.

The most vital 2017 Vapor Call to Action for your state or local area is asking for HR1136 support. Unite to fight for our right to VAPE! Write, call or both to your lawmakers :

congress.gov/members: Contact your state representatives in Congress

House Reps by State:  Contact your state representatives in the Senate

HR1136 in PDF

VapeWarriors and Vape Shop Owners: Download your Stop The Vape Ban Posters here

VSLLC /VapersArmy updates this page daily.


VSLLC conducts daily research for new CTA’s (Calls to Action) every morning.

On occasion, one of the esteemed #2017VapeFight .org’s may publish a CTA later in the day. It may pass us till the next day. Help this page—> ON IG, we have received several CTA Alerts in the past from concerned Vapers (#VapeWarriors). We appreciate this and please continue or join in this practice. We will publish your handle when you tag us for the alert. Thank you VapersArmy!

 Although, most of these CTA do not pertain to VapeSling® products directly, they do affect our #VapeCommunity success. The Vape Community is family…being part of a family means doing your part. Please advocate for Vapor as Harm reduction for you and future vapers.

Posted 02.02.18 IN – Lafayette – Stop an indoor vaping ban!

Posted 1.30.18 Thank you for the Alert @beerdog123 on IG WA – Stop vaping taxes!

Posted 1.22.18 UT – Stop an outrageous tax on vaping!

Posted 1/19/18 AK – Keep Vaping OUT of Smoking Laws! (SB 63)

Posted 1.12.18 VapeWarriors and Vape Shop Owners: Download your Stop The Vape Ban Posters here

Posted 1/4/18

IQOS: Tobacco seeks to simulate the winning vape industry with it’s own alternative. Although better than traditional cigs, it’s still smoking whatever BIG Tobacco wants you to inhale. Vape e-liquid contains no deadly tar. Tobacco does. Plus, the trust of what you are inhaling is on Big Tobacco’s hands to do their worst. Such as the 900+ chemicals included with the tobacco in cigarettes. Now in a vaping device such as used for MMJ, BIG Tobacco can attempt to create the illusion of a healthier alternative. We can only hope this format of IQOS does not fool some into continuing the deadly tobacco habit. In worse case, reverting vapers back to Big Tobacco dollars. Truly a genius move by RJ Reynolds and all in Big Tobacco. VapeWarriors are a smarter bunch, yet need to heed the warning to family and friends. IQOS is still smoking BIG TOBACCO unknown fillers not VAPING a clean e-liquid.



Posted 12/21/17


Take Action – Send a Message

Today, Congress will consider a continuing resolution (CR) that will fund the US government through January 19, 2018. Although this CR will not contain changes to the appropriations language that addresses vapor products regulation, it is an important opportunity to send a message to Congress that we are still here and that predicate date change language must be included in the 2018 budget.

Sending this message to Congress is even more important now in the wake of rogue efforts by some in the industry who don’t understand the need to modernize the 2007 predicate date. Their fundamental misunderstanding of the Cole-Bishop language in the appropriations bill (Sec. 753) is creating confusion among our supporters and eroding relationships that have taken years to build.

Help us show Congress that we are unified in our support for changing the predicate date to August 8th, 2016 and that we are in favor of reasonable regulation that preserves consumer choice.

Take Action – Send a Message

Thank you & Happy Holidays!

CASAA Legislative Team

Posted 12/19/17

From CASAA president, Alex Clark:

In 2013, when I made the switch from smoking to vaping, I took the first $80 I didn’t spend on a carton of cigarettes and made a donation to CASAA. Today, I’ve donated a similar amount through #VapesGiving that I’ve saved by not smoking this week.

Even though #VapesGiving is focused on encouraging industry stakeholders to step up to the plate (i.e., “Manufacturer & Distributor Challenge”), anyone can contribute. As an added incentive, Naked 100 is matching donations dollar-for-dollar up to $190,000.

That means your contribution will be DOUBLED!

$5 = $10  |  $25 = $50  |  $50 = $100!

Every little bit makes a huge difference for CASAA, AVA, and the more than 20 state association participating in the VapesGiving event. If everyone who receives this email contributes just $2 through #VapesGiving, we can raise more than a quarter-million dollars for advocacy efforts across the country!

Please join me by contributing even the one or two dollars you saved today by not smoking.

Click Here to Donate

Posted 12.13.17

Staples, MN – Stop an Indoor Vaping Ban!

Posted 12.11.17



Today, leaders of the vapor community came together to present a unified front on the next steps for moving our agenda forward in Washington, D.C.  The Unity Letter, signed by the leaders of the American Vaping Association, the Consumers for Smoke-free Alternatives Association, the Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association and the Vapor Technology Association asks every member of the vapor industry and broader community to get ready to act!

“December 11, 2017

Dear Members of the Vapor Community:

We write you today as a united front because the vapor industry is under attack and the future remains uncertain. We are all focused on the critical mission of making sure that Americans will continue to have access to the full range of vapor products that millions are using to quit smoking and improve our lives. We need your help to achieve this mission. 

We all agree that there are short term and long term policy changes that must be made to ensure a robust vapor product industry in this country, but we are focused today on a near term step – Changing the “Predicate Date” in Congress – which will allow all products on the market before 8/8/2016 to stay on the market and remain available to consumers. 

The US House of Representatives has passed an appropriations bill which contains language that would modernize the 2007 predicate date for products newly deemed to be tobacco. But the Senate has not included similar language in its version of the bill. These two conflicting pieces of legislation will be negotiated in Congress in the near future, and we are going to need EVERYONE to weigh in!

In the coming days and weeks, we will be reaching out to our respective members with additional opportunities and guidance on how you can engage with your two Senators and your Representative and urge them to modernize the predicate date for vapor products. We hope that when we call on you, you will take a few minutes to ACT to save the vapor industry.

Thank you!”


Posted 11.23.17

Your voice matters. Even if you have already reached out to your Members of Congress to Stop the Vape Ban, today is a perfect day to reinforce your previous message!

An email to your members of Congress is great – but a social media post may be even better! Elected officials pay attention to their constituents’ social media posts and comments. ACT NOW by tweeting your legislators!

We have made it easy for you to contact your Members of Congress via our website. Let them know you want to stop the virtual vape ban. The FDA deadline delays don’t stop – but merely delay many vape products potentially being pulled from the shelves.

Visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now and let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to EmailThank you for your continued support!


Stop the Vape Ban Team


Posted 11.10.17

IL – Elk Grove Village – Stop Tobacco 21!

Posted 11.3.17


The annual ECigIntelligence Vapers Survey is now open. If you can carve out 10 minutes to participate, your input will be appreciated.

CASAA and ECigIntelligence worked together to provide a survey that will aid in both out policy efforts as well as gaining a better understanding of the vaping market.

You can access the survey here


by copying and pasting this link into your browser’s address bar


Thank you for your fighting efforts!

Posted 10.2.17



Posted 9.25.17

Robbinsdale, MN – Take Action to oppose a Tobacco (and #vapor) 21 law!

Posted 9.21.17

This summer, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a new plan for vape regulations that extended some compliance deadlines.

However, not all deadlines were extended! There is a big FDA deadline nine (9) days from now (September 30th) for all e-liquid and device manufacturers to register their establishments and provide a complete listing of products. Failure to comply with this registration and product listing could result in unregistered products being pulled from the shelves. For more information, follow this link to FDA Deadline Info.

And as these deadlines approach, we still need to let Congress know that we support a common sense solution in H.R. 1136, the FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2017.

Even if you have already reached out to your Members of Congress regarding this issue, this would be a great time to reinforce your previous message! Visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now and let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by sending an email, making a phone call and tweeting.  We’ve made it easy for you to act.

Click to CallClick to EmailClick to EmailThank you for your continued support!


Stop the Vape Ban Team

Posted – 09.12.17

Detroit Lakes, MN – Local Alert! Take action to stop Tobacco and Vapor 21

Posted – 09.10.17

CT – Gov. Malloy’s Budget “Compromise” Contains an Outrageous Vapor Tax!

Posted – 08.28.17

PA – Stop a tax hike on vaping!

HR 1136 gains early co-sponsors. Take a moment to say THANK YOU!

Posted – 08.11.17


Posted – 08.5.17

Detroit Lakes, MN – Local Alert! Take action to stop Tobacco and Vapor 21

Posted – 07.13.17

PA – Take action to fix the vapor tax!

Posted – 07.08.17

DE – Help stop new taxes on vaping and higher taxes on smokeless tobacco!

Posted – 07.07.17 Alerted by @afcarmona

FDA – Comment NOW on proposed–unrealistic–standard for smokeless tobacco

Posted – 07.05.17

Opportunities to Take Action!

Posted 5/26/17

Delay the FDA – Comment on the Citizen Petition today!

A Citizen Petition has been submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that the agency issue “final guidance or regulations describing the recommended or required contents of premarket submissions…” In addition to requesting this final guidance, petitioners (NJOY et. al.) are requesting that the compliance period be extended by 24 months from the time the guidance is published. …

Delay the FDA – Comment on the Citizen Petition today!

Posted 4/16/17

Posted 4/12/17

Fire The U.S. Surgeon General. Unacceptable Anti-Vapor Propaganda Video

Urge your representative to co-sponsor HR 1136! Click Here

NEW congressional BILL: H.R.1136 – To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide for a certain effective date with respect to deemed tobacco products, to provide for the establishment of product standards for vapor product batteries, to provide for regulation of vapor products, and for other purposes.

Write or call to Ask your state lawmakers to support this bill

Cole/Bishop bill in it’s entirety


Older but current posts

Answer Ron Johnson


  (Please note: if you live outside of Wisconsin, please follow the directions below to print and send your letter.) Senator Ron Johnson (WI) is taking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to task over the impact of the “deeming rule” on small to medium vapor businesses across the country. Sen. Johnson, Chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental …

Read More »


The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and we are growing daily. We are a consumer organization, not a trade association. We are dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.

The timeline includes links to articles, patents, court decisions, and many other resources to give a comprehensive history of this revolutionary alternative to combustible tobacco.

Vapor Calls To Action

JOIN CASAA. By joining CASAA, you will become plugged into an advocacy network.

Unified Vapor Battle Update: Dec 20

Unified Vapor Battle Update: Dec 20

FROM THE VTA BOARD OF DIRECTORS on the Unified Vapor Battle Update: Dec 20

On December 11, 2017, VTA along with the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (“CASAA”), the American Vaping Association (“AVA”), and the Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association (“SFATA”), issued our Unified Front Letter to the vapor industry advising that the time was close to step up and support our call to action to change the predicate date, as part of the pending FY 2018 Appropriations process.

That same day, the American E-Liquid Manufacturing Standards Association (“AEMSA”) announced that it had taken a remarkable unilateral action that directly conflicted with the will of the overwhelming majority of the vapor industry.  Specifically, AEMSA announced that it sent a letter to House and Senate leaders in the United States Congress, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, directly attacking a legitimate and important legislative strategy that VTA and every other advocacy organization has been pursuing for the past three years.  In so doing, AEMSA purported to speak on behalf of the entire vapor industry in declaring to Congressional leaders that it would be a mistake to change the predicate date, and claiming that our industry doesn’t need additional short-term relief.  In sending their letter, AEMSA demonstrated a complete disregard of the powerful Members of Congress who have graciously stepped forward to champion our industry.

In an effort to mitigate whatever damage AEMSA’s letter may have caused, we were pleased send a Unified Vapor industry letter, from VTA, AVA, CASAA and SFATA, encouraging our Congressional leaders to do the right thing and change the predicate date.  Here are examples of the Unified Vapor Letter (House) and the Unified Vapor Letter (Senate) that VTA’s team delivered to the Hill on December 14, 2017.

Individuals and groups may disagree on policy and strategy.  However, nothing gives one group license to undermine years of important relationship building and issue building in Congress simply because it has a “strong belief” in another approach.  Similarly, nothing justifies one group tearing down a legitimate legislative strategy that could be enormously beneficial to small and mid-sized companies right now, based on the notion that they have a better idea and might be able to secure something better at some point in the distant future.

So, if someone tells you their way is better, if they promise a “permanent” fix, if they tell you that they can solve your entire problem, or tell you that they are going to take vapor out of the Tobacco Control Act, that’s great.  Just make sure you ask all the hard questions like, what is the strategy, who is the team that will execute it, how are you going to generate support in the House and Senate, and where are the funds coming from to make it happen? Absent answers to these questions, you are just being offered ideas and words.

To that end, our fights are not ideological and not hypothetical.  They are real, they are present, and the clock is ticking.  Effective advocacy requires that we engage in strategies that can bring relief to our industry, engage in battles that are winnable, and that we build on prior success.  Our industry does not have the luxury of hope. We are in a pitched battle and if we are repeatedly distracted from singularly focusing on our real enemies, we’ll wake up one day with a basket full of beliefs but no believers in government.

As we look forward to another year, we invite all of you to join our continuing efforts to level the playing field and secure a bright future for the vapor industry in the U.S. by working simultaneously with Congress and the Administration.  For more information on why this one prong of our multi-pronged strategy is important to small, mid-sized and large companies alike, please read our Changing the Predicate Date Summary and FAQ.

Thank you,

VTA Board of Directors

Note from J.G. at VapeSling LLC:

This vape news Article brought to you by VapeSling® LLC subscription with the VTA.

This and all groups who continue the community VapeFight will be supported past, present and future by VSLLC. All Vapers and Vape Industry want is fair regulations. Presently, the FDA regulations have been written in a aggressive and unfair manner. The requirement for PMTA has no merit in it’s application, rather for the industry to collapse in financial burden. All items introduced should face a regulatory means for safety and consumption. The comparison would be Ketchup and Fancy Ketchup: 1 Ketchup PMTA is good for all variations in flavor. Why not with Vape E-liquid?



DEC2017 Vapor Calls To Action


DEC2017 Vapor Calls To Action

Happy Holidays to all VapeSlingers and Vape community! Our last CTA page for the year 2017. We hope you have found this page helpful. Please let us know. We welcome feedback on CTA and/or VapeSling® products. Reach us anytime on the contact page or custinput@vapesling.com, or vapersarmy@vapesling.com.

The most vital 2017 Vapor Call to Action for your state or local area is asking for HR1136 support. Unite to fight for our right to VAPE! Write, call or both to your lawmakers :

congress.gov/members: Contact your state representatives in Congress

House Reps by State:  Contact your state representatives in the Senate

HR1136 in PDF

VSLLC /VapersArmy updates this page daily.


VSLLC conducts daily research for new CTA’s (Calls to Action) every morning.

On occasion, one of the esteemed #2017VapeFight .org’s may publish a CTA later in the day. It may pass us till the next day. Help this page—> ON IG, we have received several CTA Alerts in the past from concerned Vapers (#VapeWarriors). We appreciate this and please continue or join in this practice. We will publish your handle when you tag us for the alert. Thank you VapersArmy!

 Although, most of these CTA do not pertain to VapeSling® products directly, they do affect our #VapeCommunity success. The Vape Community is family…being part of a family means doing your part. Please advocate for Vapor as Harm reduction for you and future vapers.

Posted 12/21/17


Take Action – Send a Message

Today, Congress will consider a continuing resolution (CR) that will fund the US government through January 19, 2018. Although this CR will not contain changes to the appropriations language that addresses vapor products regulation, it is an important opportunity to send a message to Congress that we are still here and that predicate date change language must be included in the 2018 budget.

Sending this message to Congress is even more important now in the wake of rogue efforts by some in the industry who don’t understand the need to modernize the 2007 predicate date. Their fundamental misunderstanding of the Cole-Bishop language in the appropriations bill (Sec. 753) is creating confusion among our supporters and eroding relationships that have taken years to build.

Help us show Congress that we are unified in our support for changing the predicate date to August 8th, 2016 and that we are in favor of reasonable regulation that preserves consumer choice.

Take Action – Send a Message

Thank you & Happy Holidays!

CASAA Legislative Team

Posted 12/19/17

From CASAA president, Alex Clark:

In 2013, when I made the switch from smoking to vaping, I took the first $80 I didn’t spend on a carton of cigarettes and made a donation to CASAA. Today, I’ve donated a similar amount through #VapesGiving that I’ve saved by not smoking this week.

Even though #VapesGiving is focused on encouraging industry stakeholders to step up to the plate (i.e., “Manufacturer & Distributor Challenge”), anyone can contribute. As an added incentive, Naked 100 is matching donations dollar-for-dollar up to $190,000.

That means your contribution will be DOUBLED!

$5 = $10  |  $25 = $50  |  $50 = $100!

Every little bit makes a huge difference for CASAA, AVA, and the more than 20 state association participating in the VapesGiving event. If everyone who receives this email contributes just $2 through #VapesGiving, we can raise more than a quarter-million dollars for advocacy efforts across the country!

Please join me by contributing even the one or two dollars you saved today by not smoking.

Click Here to Donate

Posted 12.13.17

Staples, MN – Stop an Indoor Vaping Ban!

Posted 12.11.17



Today, leaders of the vapor community came together to present a unified front on the next steps for moving our agenda forward in Washington, D.C.  The Unity Letter, signed by the leaders of the American Vaping Association, the Consumers for Smoke-free Alternatives Association, the Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association and the Vapor Technology Association asks every member of the vapor industry and broader community to get ready to act!

“December 11, 2017

Dear Members of the Vapor Community:

We write you today as a united front because the vapor industry is under attack and the future remains uncertain. We are all focused on the critical mission of making sure that Americans will continue to have access to the full range of vapor products that millions are using to quit smoking and improve our lives. We need your help to achieve this mission. 

We all agree that there are short term and long term policy changes that must be made to ensure a robust vapor product industry in this country, but we are focused today on a near term step – Changing the “Predicate Date” in Congress – which will allow all products on the market before 8/8/2016 to stay on the market and remain available to consumers. 

The US House of Representatives has passed an appropriations bill which contains language that would modernize the 2007 predicate date for products newly deemed to be tobacco. But the Senate has not included similar language in its version of the bill. These two conflicting pieces of legislation will be negotiated in Congress in the near future, and we are going to need EVERYONE to weigh in!

In the coming days and weeks, we will be reaching out to our respective members with additional opportunities and guidance on how you can engage with your two Senators and your Representative and urge them to modernize the predicate date for vapor products. We hope that when we call on you, you will take a few minutes to ACT to save the vapor industry.

Thank you!”


Posted 11.23.17

Your voice matters. Even if you have already reached out to your Members of Congress to Stop the Vape Ban, today is a perfect day to reinforce your previous message!

An email to your members of Congress is great – but a social media post may be even better! Elected officials pay attention to their constituents’ social media posts and comments. ACT NOW by tweeting your legislators!

We have made it easy for you to contact your Members of Congress via our website. Let them know you want to stop the virtual vape ban. The FDA deadline delays don’t stop – but merely delay many vape products potentially being pulled from the shelves.

Visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now and let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by tweeting them or sending an e-mail!

Click to Email Click to EmailThank you for your continued support!


Stop the Vape Ban Team


Posted 11.10.17

IL – Elk Grove Village – Stop Tobacco 21!

Posted 11.3.17


The annual ECigIntelligence Vapers Survey is now open. If you can carve out 10 minutes to participate, your input will be appreciated.

CASAA and ECigIntelligence worked together to provide a survey that will aid in both out policy efforts as well as gaining a better understanding of the vaping market.

You can access the survey here


by copying and pasting this link into your browser’s address bar


Thank you for your fighting efforts!

Posted 10.2.17



Posted 9.25.17

Robbinsdale, MN – Take Action to oppose a Tobacco (and #vapor) 21 law!

Posted 9.21.17

This summer, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a new plan for vape regulations that extended some compliance deadlines.

However, not all deadlines were extended! There is a big FDA deadline nine (9) days from now (September 30th) for all e-liquid and device manufacturers to register their establishments and provide a complete listing of products. Failure to comply with this registration and product listing could result in unregistered products being pulled from the shelves. For more information, follow this link to FDA Deadline Info.

And as these deadlines approach, we still need to let Congress know that we support a common sense solution in H.R. 1136, the FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2017.

Even if you have already reached out to your Members of Congress regarding this issue, this would be a great time to reinforce your previous message! Visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now and let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by sending an email, making a phone call and tweeting.  We’ve made it easy for you to act.

Click to CallClick to EmailClick to EmailThank you for your continued support!


Stop the Vape Ban Team

Posted – 09.12.17

Detroit Lakes, MN – Local Alert! Take action to stop Tobacco and Vapor 21

Posted – 09.10.17

CT – Gov. Malloy’s Budget “Compromise” Contains an Outrageous Vapor Tax!

Posted – 08.28.17

PA – Stop a tax hike on vaping!

HR 1136 gains early co-sponsors. Take a moment to say THANK YOU!

Posted – 08.11.17


Posted – 08.5.17

Detroit Lakes, MN – Local Alert! Take action to stop Tobacco and Vapor 21

Posted – 07.13.17

PA – Take action to fix the vapor tax!

Posted – 07.08.17

DE – Help stop new taxes on vaping and higher taxes on smokeless tobacco!

Posted – 07.07.17 Alerted by @afcarmona

FDA – Comment NOW on proposed–unrealistic–standard for smokeless tobacco

Posted – 07.05.17

Opportunities to Take Action!

Posted 5/26/17

Delay the FDA – Comment on the Citizen Petition today!

A Citizen Petition has been submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that the agency issue “final guidance or regulations describing the recommended or required contents of premarket submissions…” In addition to requesting this final guidance, petitioners (NJOY et. al.) are requesting that the compliance period be extended by 24 months from the time the guidance is published. …

Delay the FDA – Comment on the Citizen Petition today!

Posted 4/16/17

Posted 4/12/17

Fire The U.S. Surgeon General. Unacceptable Anti-Vapor Propaganda Video

Urge your representative to co-sponsor HR 1136! Click Here

NEW congressional BILL: H.R.1136 – To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide for a certain effective date with respect to deemed tobacco products, to provide for the establishment of product standards for vapor product batteries, to provide for regulation of vapor products, and for other purposes.

Write or call to Ask your state lawmakers to support this bill

Cole/Bishop bill in it’s entirety


Older but current posts

Answer Ron Johnson


  (Please note: if you live outside of Wisconsin, please follow the directions below to print and send your letter.) Senator Ron Johnson (WI) is taking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to task over the impact of the “deeming rule” on small to medium vapor businesses across the country. Sen. Johnson, Chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental …

Read More »


The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and we are growing daily. We are a consumer organization, not a trade association. We are dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.

The timeline includes links to articles, patents, court decisions, and many other resources to give a comprehensive history of this revolutionary alternative to combustible tobacco.

Vapor Calls To Action

JOIN CASAA. By joining CASAA, you will become plugged into an advocacy network.

Happy 3 year Birthday to VapeSling LLC


Happy 3 year Birthday to VapeSling LLC

Thank you for Slinging with us since 2014!!!

For reading our birthday post, seeing this small print, and waiting for your order till Dec 5th, we offer you 20% off, new slinger or return slinger coupon:  vsbday

Happy 3 year Birthday to VapeSling LLC

NOTE: Orders placed on and after Nov 20th will be held for processing till our return on Dec 5th. We will immediately process your order at that time and we thank you for your patience with our celebration.

Thank you for visiting VapeSling®

If you are a daily Slinger, you may have valuable feedback? If so,Please, write a review. Every product page has it’s own review tab. Or tell us on our secure Contact Us. 

New (Oct 2016) VapeSling® version: V3 Web Slings

Enjoy a new level of comfort and convenience with your new V3.0 Web Slings

About VapeSling LLC (VSLLC):

Vape Advocacy/Activism

VapeSling LLC is a Nevada, USA based company. All our employees are proud members of The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA), The Vaping Militia and the National Vapers Club (NVC); three organizations that further encourage ex-smokers to continue smoke-free lifestyles through scientific research on electronic cigarettes, education about vaping and vaping products, as well as help protect vaper rights through activism on the local, state, and federal levels. We also donate to .orgs such as NBS, and we hope you will too.

We created a VapersArmy on InstaGram that spread the word of justice for vapers. We furthermore, post every single CTA that exists currently on our dedicated web page –> Calls To Action – Vapor Products. We update this the daily in addition to update news posts under latest news. All vapers have access. No one has an excuse to not fight for Vaper Rights. Before this author goes on a rant about sheeple, we will move on.

On several occasions, VapeSling staff members have taken action on issues directly affecting our vaping community such as contacting several of our local Nevada politicians as well as the President himself. We encountered most favorable responses from Senator of Nevada, Dean Heller and recently Representative of Nevada Joe Heck . If you are a local to Nevada, please contact them to express your vaping concerns and relay any call to action from vaping advocate groups, clubs and associations. Furthermore, thank and support Joe Heck and Dean Heller by voting for their renewed services on election day.

Welcome to the New VapeSling Website!
Flag of the United States of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

VapeSling®: American Made

All VapeSling® models are “Made in the USA” with premium U.S. made materials. The VapeSling® breakthrough concept was born from e-cig/mod portability problems encountered with hand carry, pockets, pouches, belt clips, and all other available forms of e-cig/Mod portability. VapeSling® uses a unique Patent Pending concept which allows the user to carry, vape, and move. VapeSling® users can vape while their e-cig/mod is attached to their VapeSling®. Whether on the move or relaxing on a couch, a #VapeSlinger can carry their e-cig/mod comfortably, securely, and always ready to vape. No retrieving or re-deposits of your e-cig/Mod into any case, pouch, bag or pockets. No more devices falling to the ground. The VapeSling innovation has withstood the test of time by thousands of VapeSlingers. Enjoying CARRY.VAPE.MOVE. for 3 years since 2014. All device sizes, weights and shapes (Box, Cylindrical, etc.) will fit securely on your VapeSling® e-cig/Mod Holder.

Lastly, our USPTO patent will grant in 2017. Filed in 2014, our USPTO NPA is finally on the examiners desk.

For more info, visit the this page—> VapeSling® E-cig/Mod/Vape Holder

Begin enjoying “hands free” carry, while vaping on the go. Get your VapeSling® today!


Please subscribe to our Website to receive VapeSling® Latest news on products and Vaping advocacy

© 2017 VapeSling® | All Rights Reserved


NOV2017 Vapor Calls To Action


NOV2017 Vapor Calls To Action

The most vital 2017 Vapor Call to Action for your state or local area is asking for HR1136 support. Unite to fight for our right to VAPE! Write, call or both to your lawmakers :

congress.gov/members: Contact your state representatives in Congress

House Reps by State:  Contact your state representatives in the Senate

HR1136 in PDF

VSLLC /VapersArmy updates this page daily.


VSLLC conducts daily research for new CTA’s (Calls to Action) every morning.

On occasion, one of the esteemed #2017VapeFight .org’s may publish a CTA later in the day. It may pass us till the next day. Help this page—> ON IG, we have received several CTA Alerts in the past from concerned Vapers (#VapeWarriors). We appreciate this and please continue or join in this practice. We will publish your handle when you tag us for the alert. Thank you VapersArmy!

 Although, most of these CTA do not pertain to VapeSling® products directly, they do affect our #VapeCommunity success. The Vape Community is family…being part of a family means doing your part. Please advocate for Vapor as Harm reduction for you and future vapers.

Posted 11.10.17

IL – Elk Grove Village – Stop Tobacco 21!

Posted 11.3.17


The annual ECigIntelligence Vapers Survey is now open. If you can carve out 10 minutes to participate, your input will be appreciated.

CASAA and ECigIntelligence worked together to provide a survey that will aid in both out policy efforts as well as gaining a better understanding of the vaping market.

You can access the survey here


by copying and pasting this link into your browser’s address bar


Thank you for your fighting efforts!

Posted 10.2.17



Posted 9.25.17

Robbinsdale, MN – Take Action to oppose a Tobacco (and #vapor) 21 law!

Posted 9.21.17

This summer, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a new plan for vape regulations that extended some compliance deadlines.

However, not all deadlines were extended! There is a big FDA deadline nine (9) days from now (September 30th) for all e-liquid and device manufacturers to register their establishments and provide a complete listing of products. Failure to comply with this registration and product listing could result in unregistered products being pulled from the shelves. For more information, follow this link to FDA Deadline Info.

And as these deadlines approach, we still need to let Congress know that we support a common sense solution in H.R. 1136, the FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2017.

Even if you have already reached out to your Members of Congress regarding this issue, this would be a great time to reinforce your previous message! Visit the Stop The Vape Ban site now and let your Members of Congress know TODAY how important this issue is to you by sending an email, making a phone call and tweeting.  We’ve made it easy for you to act.

Click to CallClick to EmailClick to EmailThank you for your continued support!


Stop the Vape Ban Team

Posted – 09.12.17

Detroit Lakes, MN – Local Alert! Take action to stop Tobacco and Vapor 21

Posted – 09.10.17

CT – Gov. Malloy’s Budget “Compromise” Contains an Outrageous Vapor Tax!

Posted – 08.28.17

PA – Stop a tax hike on vaping!

HR 1136 gains early co-sponsors. Take a moment to say THANK YOU!

Posted – 08.11.17

Posted – 08.10.17

Stop the Vape Ban, write your local News

Recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a new plan for regulations that extend some compliance deadlines.  The good news is that it gives the vape industry more time to prepare for the looming application deadlines.

The Bad News is that it doesn’t change the onerous and burdensome premarket tobacco application (PMTA) that will still lead to a virtual vape ban. Unfortunately, these regulations do not lead to a solution that will save the industry or the right to vape. Additionally, there is also no change to the controversial “grandfather” date of February 2007.

The majority of vape industry businesses cannot afford the PMTA process. Many will have to close their doors. Your favorite vape products will be off the market. Jobs will be lost.

Help us Stop The Vape Ban and show your support of H.R.1136, the FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2017.  Writing a letter to the editor  of your local newspaper can have a huge impact.  These matter to your Members of Congress – they read them! Please click the link below and provide us with a few details, and we can help.

Click to TweetIn addition to the very important letter to the editor, you can also let your Members of Congress know how important this issue is to you by calling, sending an email or tweeting.

Click to CallClick to EmailClick to EmailThank you for your continued support!


Stop the Vape Ban Team

P.S. The “Letter to the Editor” section is one of the most widely read parts of most newspapers. A published letter can be VERY effective in alerting others to take action.


Very Important survey posted 8.10.17


Our friends at ECigIntelligence are conducting an important survey that will help tell the story of the diversity and strength of our vapor industry and we are asking every vapor company and vape shop to take a few mintues to complete the survey.

Surveys are only as good as those who participate and only as good as the information you provide.   So, please take the time to do your part and help us create the most accurate picture of how vape shops and vape companies contribute to our economy.

Per ECigIntelligence, the specific information you provide will be kept confidential by ECigIntelligence and will not be shared with anyone. Instead, your responses will be aggregated with all the others so we can paint the overall picture and share those results with the decision makers in Washington D.C. and elswhere.

Click here or on the icon below to take the survey now!

Thank you for taking the time to participate today.

Posted – 08.5.17

Detroit Lakes, MN – Local Alert! Take action to stop Tobacco and Vapor 21

Posted – 07.13.17

PA – Take action to fix the vapor tax!

Posted – 07.08.17

DE – Help stop new taxes on vaping and higher taxes on smokeless tobacco!

Posted – 07.07.17 Alerted by @afcarmona

FDA – Comment NOW on proposed–unrealistic–standard for smokeless tobacco

Posted – 07.05.17

Opportunities to Take Action!

Posted – 06.22.17

San Francisco, CA – Stop the Flavor Ban!



Click Here to Take Action!

Posted 6/9/17

MT – Yellowstone County public hearing on indoor vaping ban

Posted 6/2/17

Posted 5/26/17

Delay the FDA – Comment on the Citizen Petition today!

A Citizen Petition has been submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that the agency issue “final guidance or regulations describing the recommended or required contents of premarket submissions…” In addition to requesting this final guidance, petitioners (NJOY et. al.) are requesting that the compliance period be extended by 24 months from the time the guidance is published. …

Delay the FDA – Comment on the Citizen Petition today!

Posted 5/22/17

Posted 5/15/17

Posted 5/11/17

Posted 4/21/17

OR – Help defeat Tobacco and Vapor 21!

Posted 4/16/17

Posted 4/12/17

Fire The U.S. Surgeon General. Unacceptable Anti-Vapor Propaganda Video

Urge your representative to co-sponsor HR 1136! Click Here

NEW congressional BILL: H.R.1136 – To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide for a certain effective date with respect to deemed tobacco products, to provide for the establishment of product standards for vapor product batteries, to provide for regulation of vapor products, and for other purposes.

Write or call to Ask your state lawmakers to support this bill

Cole/Bishop bill in it’s entirety


Older but current posts

Answer Ron Johnson


  (Please note: if you live outside of Wisconsin, please follow the directions below to print and send your letter.) Senator Ron Johnson (WI) is taking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to task over the impact of the “deeming rule” on small to medium vapor businesses across the country. Sen. Johnson, Chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental …

Read More »


The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization with an all-volunteer board and a grassroots membership of more than two hundred thousand individuals from all walks of life, and we are growing daily. We are a consumer organization, not a trade association. We are dedicated to ensuring the availability of reduced harm alternatives to smoking and to providing smokers and non-smokers alike with honest information about those alternatives so that they can make informed choices.

The timeline includes links to articles, patents, court decisions, and many other resources to give a comprehensive history of this revolutionary alternative to combustible tobacco.

Vapor Calls To Action

JOIN CASAA. By joining CASAA, you will become plugged into an advocacy network.

VapeSling® November Featured Print


VapeSling® November Featured Print

New this month! VapeSling® November Featured Print:


The World Series Champs: The Houston Astros & the Holiday favorite: Snoopy from Peanuts™

We added these Nov Prints to your color selection (available for V3 only) for all VapeSlingers to enjoy this season or anytime.

We hope you enjoyed our selections and featured prints so far. As always, please let us know. For comments on this new feature or anything you want to say, please tell us about it in the comments section or the Contact Us page. Reminder: You always have the option to choose your own fabric print by adding the complimentary product: Send&Sling.

Note: available for V3 only

All print Fabrics are Officially Licensed by the copyright.

Thank you for visiting VapeSling®

About VapeSling LLC (VSLLC):

Vape Advocacy/Activism

VapeSling LLC is a Nevada, USA based company. All our employees are proud members of The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA), The Vaping Militia and the National Vapers Club (NVC); three organizations that further encourage ex-smokers to continue smoke-free lifestyles through scientific research on electronic cigarettes, education about vaping and vaping products, as well as help protect vaper rights through activism on the local, state, and federal levels. We also donate to .orgs such as NBS, and we hope you will too.

We created a VapersArmy on InstaGram that spread the word of justice for vapers. We furthermore, post every single CTA that exists currently on our dedicated web page –> Calls To Action – Vapor Products. We update this the daily in addition to update news posts under latest news. All vapers have access. No one has an excuse to not fight for Vaper Rights. Before this author goes on a rant about sheeple, we will move on.

On several occasions, VapeSling staff members have taken action on issues directly affecting our vaping community such as contacting several of our local Nevada politicians as well as the President himself. We encountered most favorable responses from Senator of Nevada, Dean Heller and recently Representative of Nevada Joe Heck . If you are a local to Nevada, please contact them to express your vaping concerns and relay any call to action from vaping advocate groups, clubs and associations. Furthermore, thank and support Joe Heck and Dean Heller by voting for their renewed services on election day.

Welcome to the New VapeSling Website!
Flag of the United States of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

VapeSling®: American Made

All VapeSling® models are “Made in the USA” with premium U.S. made materials. The VapeSling® breakthrough concept was born from e-cig/mod portability problems encountered with hand carry, pockets, pouches, belt clips, and all other available forms of e-cig/Mod portability. VapeSling® uses a unique Patent Pending concept which allows the user to carry, vape, and move. VapeSling® users can vape while their e-cig/mod is attached to their VapeSling®. Whether on the move or relaxing on a couch, a #VapeSlinger can carry their e-cig/mod comfortably, securely, and always ready to vape. No retrieving or re-deposits of your e-cig/Mod into any case, pouch, bag or pockets. No more devices falling to the ground. The VapeSling innovation has withstood the test of time by thousands of VapeSlingers. Enjoying CARRY.VAPE.MOVE. for 3 years since 2014. All device sizes, weights and shapes (Box, Cylindrical, etc.) will fit securely on your VapeSling® e-cig/Mod Holder.

Lastly, our USPTO patent will grant in 2018. Filed in 2014, our USPTO NPA is finally on the examiners desk.

For more info, visit the this page—> VapeSling® E-cig/Mod/Vape Holder

Begin enjoying “hands free” carry, while vaping on the go. Get your VapeSling® today!


Please subscribe to our Website to receive VapeSling® Latest news on products and Vaping advocacy

© 2017 VapeSling® | All Rights Reserved


Breast Cancer Awareness – pinkaware


Breast Cancer Awareness – pinkaware


On this special month we offer everything pink to help raise awareness.
??Now Until the 31st, Select anything ?pink? to show your awareness and save 20% on all v2 or v3 pink items. Including pink bottle holders.

?Checkout Coupon code: pinkaware ??20% off

Note: 20% applies only to pink items in your cart.


Breast Cancer Awareness – pinkaware

Thank you for visiting VapeSling®


About VapeSling LLC (VSLLC):

Vape Advocacy/Activism

VapeSling LLC is a Nevada, USA based company. All our employees are proud members of The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA), The Vaping Militia and the National Vapers Club (NVC); three organizations that further encourage ex-smokers to continue smoke-free lifestyles through scientific research on electronic cigarettes, education about vaping and vaping products, as well as help protect vaper rights through activism on the local, state, and federal levels. We also donate to .orgs such as NBS, and we hope you will too.

We created a VapersArmy on InstaGram that spread the word of justice for vapers. We furthermore, post every single CTA that exists currently on our dedicated web page –> Calls To Action – Vapor Products. We update this the daily in addition to update news posts under latest news. All vapers have access. No one has an excuse to not fight for Vaper Rights. Before this author goes on a rant about sheeple, we will move on.

On several occasions, VapeSling staff members have taken action on issues directly affecting our vaping community such as contacting several of our local Nevada politicians as well as the President himself. We encountered most favorable responses from Senator of Nevada, Dean Heller and recently Representative of Nevada Joe Heck . If you are a local to Nevada, please contact them to express your vaping concerns and relay any call to action from vaping advocate groups, clubs and associations. Furthermore, thank and support Joe Heck and Dean Heller by voting for their renewed services on election day.

Welcome to the New VapeSling Website!
Flag of the United States of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

VapeSling®: American Made

All VapeSling® models are “Made in the USA” with premium U.S. made materials. The VapeSling® breakthrough concept was born from e-cig/mod portability problems encountered with hand carry, pockets, pouches, belt clips, and all other available forms of e-cig/Mod portability. VapeSling® uses a unique Patent Pending concept which allows the user to carry, vape, and move. VapeSling® users can vape while their e-cig/mod is attached to their VapeSling®. Whether on the move or relaxing on a couch, a #VapeSlinger can carry their e-cig/mod comfortably, securely, and always ready to vape. No retrieving or re-deposits of your e-cig/Mod into any case, pouch, bag or pockets. No more devices falling to the ground. The VapeSling innovation has withstood the test of time by thousands of VapeSlingers. Enjoying CARRY.VAPE.MOVE. for 3 years since 2014. All device sizes, weights and shapes (Box, Cylindrical, etc.) will fit securely on your VapeSling® e-cig/Mod Holder.

Lastly, our USPTO patent will grant in 2017. Filed in 2014, our USPTO NPA is finally on the examiners desk.

For more info, visit the this page—> VapeSling® E-cig/Mod/Vape Holder

Begin enjoying “hands free” carry, while vaping on the go. Get your VapeSling® today!


Please subscribe to our Website to receive VapeSling® Latest news on products and Vaping advocacy

© 2017 VapeSling® | All Rights Reserved

VapeSling® October Featured Print


VapeSling® October Featured Print


New this month! VapeSling® October Featured Print: Jack from Nightmare on Christmas plus TWD The Walking Dead.

We added Jack from Nightmare on Christmas and TWD The Walking Dead to your color selection on all our V3 products (available for V3 only) for all VapeSlingers to enjoy this Halloween or anytime.

We hope you enjoyed our selections and featured prints so far. As always, please let us know. For comments on this new feature or anything you want to say, please tell us about it in the comments section or the Contact Us page. Reminder: You always have the option to choose your own fabric print by adding the complimentary product: Send&Sling.

Note: available for V3 only

All print Fabrics are Officially Licensed by the copyright.

Thank you for visiting VapeSling®

About VapeSling LLC (VSLLC):

Vape Advocacy/Activism

VapeSling LLC is a Nevada, USA based company. All our employees are proud members of The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA), The Vaping Militia and the National Vapers Club (NVC); three organizations that further encourage ex-smokers to continue smoke-free lifestyles through scientific research on electronic cigarettes, education about vaping and vaping products, as well as help protect vaper rights through activism on the local, state, and federal levels. We also donate to .orgs such as NBS, and we hope you will too.

We created a VapersArmy on InstaGram that spread the word of justice for vapers. We furthermore, post every single CTA that exists currently on our dedicated web page –> Calls To Action – Vapor Products. We update this the daily in addition to update news posts under latest news. All vapers have access. No one has an excuse to not fight for Vaper Rights. Before this author goes on a rant about sheeple, we will move on.

On several occasions, VapeSling staff members have taken action on issues directly affecting our vaping community such as contacting several of our local Nevada politicians as well as the President himself. We encountered most favorable responses from Senator of Nevada, Dean Heller and recently Representative of Nevada Joe Heck . If you are a local to Nevada, please contact them to express your vaping concerns and relay any call to action from vaping advocate groups, clubs and associations. Furthermore, thank and support Joe Heck and Dean Heller by voting for their renewed services on election day.

Welcome to the New VapeSling Website!
Flag of the United States of America (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

VapeSling®: American Made

All VapeSling® models are “Made in the USA” with premium U.S. made materials. The VapeSling® breakthrough concept was born from e-cig/mod portability problems encountered with hand carry, pockets, pouches, belt clips, and all other available forms of e-cig/Mod portability. VapeSling® uses a unique Patent Pending concept which allows the user to carry, vape, and move. VapeSling® users can vape while their e-cig/mod is attached to their VapeSling®. Whether on the move or relaxing on a couch, a #VapeSlinger can carry their e-cig/mod comfortably, securely, and always ready to vape. No retrieving or re-deposits of your e-cig/Mod into any case, pouch, bag or pockets. No more devices falling to the ground. The VapeSling innovation has withstood the test of time by thousands of VapeSlingers. Enjoying CARRY.VAPE.MOVE. for 3 years since 2014. All device sizes, weights and shapes (Box, Cylindrical, etc.) will fit securely on your VapeSling® e-cig/Mod Holder.

Lastly, our USPTO patent will grant in 2017. Filed in 2014, our USPTO NPA is finally on the examiners desk.

For more info, visit the this page—> VapeSling® E-cig/Mod/Vape Holder

Begin enjoying “hands free” carry, while vaping on the go. Get your VapeSling® today!


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